Where Did It Go Wrong?

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Is it that easy?
For you to leave me behind and never come back?
I stayed and risked for you
But can you do that for me too?

I know that it sounds like I'm asking too much
But it's what I deserved
I knew that you'd leave me
Not a very surprising thing isn't it?

The feeling of sadness creep in me
I felt anguish, inside and out
I wanted to be magnanimous to you
But then I couldn't

But it was hard for me too
I felt like it was starting to sound one sided
For the moment I liked you back
Is the moment you gave up

Now, let me ask you again
Is it that easy?
For you to repudiate me?
I thought there was a spark

It was all a lie anyway
From the very start
Not that it matters now
You're not here, but I am

I'm still where you left me
My lachrymose tears spoke for its own
I'm stupid to be so idolatrous towards you
A regretful realization

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