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"this is my drink"

"oh hello! I was the first to see it"

Much to Jadeja's amusement everyone is quite sober then other time despite their big victory as he watch drunk rohit dancing with jassi who has awkward smile on his face while some fighting over food as hardik run over chairs to chairs and Virat talking on the phone in balcony, must be mahi bhai.........though Jadeja's eyes are only finding one person which is not in this crowd right now....then where is he? Is he-


Jadeja sighs as he heard a squeal from behind him, obviously knowing it is from the person he was finding few seconds ago as he turn around only to groan from the weight above him as he fall down on the sofa behind him.


Jadeja says as the person above him gave a bright grin before rubbing his cheeks all over Jadeja's chest, clear signs of completely drunk while mumbling 'jaddu'.

He sees virat coming inside as he took a notice of every thing before noticing his and kuldeep's situation before walking towards him.

"is he okay?" Virat ask, concern visible on his face while he look at kuldeep who is smiling while laying on Jadeja's chest with a comfortable position.

"I think he is drunk now"

"hmm, let's take him to his room"

Jadeja nodded before shaking kuldeep as he look at jadeja before whining out.


"we need to go back to our room" Jadeja says chuckling as he look at his roommate pouting before he mumble out a no but then get up with a huff when jadeja again shake him.

Jadeja went to their room with virat while giving kuldeep piggyback as kuldeep snuggle in his shoulder. Virat open their room's lock as he stand outside watching jadeja laying kuldeep down on the bed before removing his shoes and then nodding to virat as a sign to say everything is alright.

Virat nodded back as he closed the door with a yawn before going towards the hall where they are partying to help others going back to their room too.


Jadeja look at kuldeep who is currently blinking while looking at the ceiling as he changed his clothes before laying beside kuldeep who, now seems to notice him. He gave jadeja a huge grin making jadeja smile unconsciously too before getting up as he laid above jadeja while looking at him cutely.






Don't they say 'third time is the charm', this time jadeja can't help but chuckle as he look at kuldeep who is still looking at him confusingly before his smile vanished when he hear the words coming out of kuldeep.

"I love you" Jadeja's eyes widen but kuldeep didn't notice it as he still continued to slur.

"I love you jaddu. Do you not love me?..........Maybe not" Jadeja blinked heavily before trying to get kuldeep off himself, gaining kuldeep's attention who only lean forward to touch their lips together for a second before he fainted while jadeja stayed frozen with eyes wide and shocked.

How many hours has it been? Dunno but one thing is sure, no matter how much he will, today jadeja won't be able to sleep. He sighed looking at his best friend, teammate and his teasing partner, sleeping beside him peacefully while here he is staying awake just because of one drunk kiss and a confession which maybe is not what he is thinking from an hour and more.

His eyes felt heavy while an unfamiliar feeling settle in his heart by thinking this as he then again try to sleep, praying God to give him strength to face his friend tomorrow.


It has been three days since Jadeja has started avoiding kuldeep, not enough to make it obvious but still trying to get in conversation with kuldeep about that celebration night. But still it wasn't enough for Jadeja's mind to calm down so he went to virat to relax his heavy heart with a feeling which is known yet he don't want to except it.


"huh? Jaddu, what's up? How come you are here? Any problem? Need something? Did something happened?"

"calm your over thinking ming down, virat bhai. I am okay, actually............physically. I want to talk to you about something"

He watch virat putting his phone aside before sitting straight giving jadeja place to sit as he gave his full attention to jadeja.

"say" Jadeja took a deep breathe before opening his mouth.

"the celebration night, you remember. It was.........something happened that day" Jadeja notice the curious expression on virat's face so he continues.

"we both went to sleep or you can say I went to sleep but.......suddenly kuldeep.........said I love you to me-" Jadeja hear a gasp from beside him as he closed his eyes, not wanting to see any expression on virat's face before he hear a gentle sound "look at me jaddu" making him look at virat.

"that's okay-"

"that's not okay!!" Jadeja yelled before saying "he was drunk, it is not like this, it is just a drunk confession".

Virat felt his heart breaking at Jadeja's distressed expression as he try to calm down the rambling jaddu.

"he was drunk not sober, it might be a mistake-"

"I would never mistake my love for someone else"

Both virat and jadeja turn their head towards the entrance as they watch kuldeep enter the room but his eyes never leaving jadeja.

"maybe I was drunk but when I confessed, my love for you was sober" Jadeja look at kuldeep who is standing while his eyes stuck on jadeja as he felt virat leaving the bed before a quiet click rang in the room, telling the door is closed and they are alone now.

"from when?" Jadeja ask still terrified, it is a dream but the grin on kuldeep's face tells him otherwise as he reply.

"from a while"

"me too"

It was silent until jadeja stand up as kuldeep went close to him before hugging him making jadeja hug back tightly.

"I love you, jaddu"

"me too, I love you too" Jadeja replies with a shaky breathe as he press a soft peck on the shorter one's temple before looking at his, best friend now lover, who is giving him a bright grin.


Even drunk,

I am caught off guard

By the way I remain

Intoxicated by you.

SOBER LOVE (ONESHOT) (Kuldeep - Jadega) Where stories live. Discover now