"I could've done that myself" Liam scoffs beside me, but I was too busy to reply when Mr.Davinci sent me another gorgeous smile.

Goddamn this man was working my nerves! He knew how to make me shiver even though there was clearly a large wedding ring on his thick tatted finger. Jesus Christ! Help me lord, I can't be drooling over a married man!

"It's fine, I got it. Although we can fix the splatter part, I don't think you'd like to be sitting in a pair of sticky jeans all day. Did you wanna maybe change out of them? I have an extra pair of joggers in the back of my car that you can borrow. I've never used them recently because they're an old pair I keep in the back of my trunk in case of emergencies but it's been a couple of years and I've grown out of them. Hold on, let me go grab them just to make sure they'd be able to fit you" Mr.Davinci rambles on with a nervous tone.

He didn't even let me get a chance to reply before sprinting out of the small cafe we were in. The glass wall to floor windows let me and Liam see he was rushing out to the black Camaro outside by the sidewalk next to the cafe.

"For a married man, he seems to like going out all the way to make sure another woman is getting all of her needs taken care of. A tatted biker version of Prince Charming helping a damsel in distress. Hell must've froze over" Liam sneered while rolling his before I roughly back handed him with a glare.

"What the fuck did I do?!" He gasps as I roll my eyes.

"Spilling a cup of iced coffee on me is what the fuck you did, asshole!" I snap back while gesturing to my wet jeans.

"You were looking a little thirsty over there on your tablet so obviously I had to quench your thirsty ass" He retorts back, glaring up at me before the bell on the entrance door of the cafe rang made us turn.

"Here you go. My body's quite large now but I bought those joggers a while back when I was smaller so hopefully they'd be able to fit with the waist strings. But in case they don't I can just run across the street to the clothing store, I can-" cutting off Mr.Davinci's fumbled words that seemed never ending.

"It's fine! I've learned to work with what I can get on the type of job I've got" I randomly spit out making him laugh at my awkward phrasing of words.

"Cringey!" Liam coughs out loudly with a snicker.

Rolling my eyes as his childish tactics, I quickly walk to the bathroom in the cafe to change out of my stained jeans before putting on the baggy joggers that smelled of Mr.Davinci's masculine scent. I'm sure it was probably due to whatever cologne or detergent he used since it did feel like it hasn't been worn in ages but the scent of him still lingered on it the same way it lingered when he shook my hand earlier and I got a whiff of his delicious masculine scent.

Damn, everything about this man was sexy. Too bad he was married.

I may have a track record of fucking dudes older than me, a one night stand, and having a couple friends with benefits list. And it might seem like I literally have no morals, but the only line I'd never cross is being a home wrecker.

I love Sza but I am not a weekends only type of girl and I could never fathom the thought of ever sharing a man with another woman.

I mean I've thought about threesomes before and I have watched quite a large quantity of different genre's of porn kind of linked to that. So I'm not completely a hater of it and I might even be the biggest hypocrite in the world but I just have to much jealousy in me to ever bare the thought of being in a relationship with a man that's also putting his cock in someone else who isn't me.

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