Season 1 episode 8

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'You've trained hard.' Sensei said as we were standing in a dump filled with cars. 'You've gotten stronger, tougher, faster. You've done your best. You're ready for this tournament, am I right?'

'Yes sensei.' Everyone but me shouted.

'Wrong.' Sensei said as he threw his beer can down at our feet. 'Your best ain't shit! If you wanna win the All Valley Under eighteen Karate Tournament, you gotta give me better than your best. Which is why from now on, you're gonna get my worst. Do you understand?'

'Yes sensei!' Everyone shouted.

'Are you losers?' Sensei asked.

'No sensei!' We shouted.

'Are you nerds?' Sensei asked.

'No sensei.' We replied.

'Are you sure?' Sensei asked.

'No sensei.' 'Yes sensei.' The first sentence everyone shouted while I shouted the second one. I looked around weird at everyone before turning back to look at the sensei.

'Thanks firecracker.' Sensei said as I was the only one that shouted yes.

'Anytime.' I replied.

'Move those feet, Go!' Sensei shouted as we hopped through car wheels that made a parkour. 'Your enemies are all around you. Destroy them!'

We were now wrecking cars with baseball bats. I got a little dizzy but I ignored it.

We were walking on a plank that was across from a container.

Then we were back at the car wheels. I finished the course and used a wall to stabilize myself.

'Emilia, you good?' I heard sensei asked.

'I'm okay sensei.' I replied.

'Take a water break you're sitting the next exercise out.' Sensei said.

'No really sensei I'm fine.' I said.

'It's not up for discussion.' Sensei said putting an end to the conversation.

I was sitting where my bag was and took a sip of water.

'You guys hungry?' Sensei asked as he passes around some pieces of meat to everyone.

'Yes sensei.' Everyone said but me.

'Good cause so are they.' Sensei said as he blew on a whistle. Soon dogs arrived all over the place and they all ran as fast as they could. 'Don't be afraid, they smell fear.'

Sensei came over and sat beside me.

'How you doing?' Sensei asked.

'I'm fine.' I said to him.

'Then what was that?' Sensei asked. 'Dehydration? Did you over exercise? Ate too less?'

I just kept quiet.

'It's not dehydration.' Sensei said. 'You took a few sips of water and still look pale. You didn't over exercise because you did the same thing as everyone else. So I'm guessing the last one.'

Sensei grabbed a granola bar from his bag and gave it to me.

'From now on every time we train, you have to eat a granola bar first.' Sensei said. 'If you refuse, you can't join training.'

I gave him the granola bar back, grabbed my back pack and walked out of there. I know he wants to help, but it's not that simple.

I was sitting in the movie theater with Aisha, Hawk and Miguel.

'I can't stop thinking about what sensei said, about Sam's dad.' Miguel said

'So what sensei and Sam's dad have some beef. What has that got to do with you?' Aisha asked.

'Do I have to spell it out for you?' Miguel asked Aisha rhetorically.

'Don't be rude.' I said to him before turning to Aisha to explain. 'Sam's dad hates Cobra Kai. Miguel is a part of Cobra

'So by the transitive property, Sam's dad is gonna hate me.' Miguel added.

'Jezus Christ you're such a nerd.' Hawk said.

'And you are not only Cobra Kai. You're Miguel Diaz. Show him that side.' I said to him.

'How do you always know what to say.' Miguel said.

'It's Emilia.' Hawk and Aisha both replied at the same time.

'Look I've known Mr. LaRusso since third grade. He's a really nice guy. You just have to talk to him.' Aisha said.

'I haven't even been invited over yet.' Miguel said. 'She's probably too afraid to introduce me.'

'Dude just go over there.' Hawk said. 'It's an alpha move.'

'No just have a little patience and if after two days, you're still not invited, you have to talk to her.' I said to Miguel. 'A relationship is all about communication.'

'Who the hell did that?' A man asked who was accidentally hit when Hawk threw popcorn.

I just finished my shift at the diner and passen the block where Miguel and Johnny live. I saw some guys trashing his car.

'Hey what the hell are you doing!' Johnny shouted as he came outside.

'Consider this a message from Daniel LaRusso.' I think Louie a family member of the LaRusso's said.

'What are you gonna do, Nancy?' A man asked Johnny. Bad move. Johnny began fighting two of them.

'Back up, I got a bat.' Louie said as Johnny walked towards him.

'Where does Daniel LaRusso live!' Johnny shouted at him as the other man lit his car on fire.

'Encino Hills! Escalon Drive!' Louie answered.

Johnny grabbed one of the motorcycles and drove away with it. I grabbed another and went after him.

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