At first day

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28th September was my first day at my new school. I was very excited to meet my new classmates and to meet my new teachers. I was not a brilliant student but I was good in studies.when I walked into my class room everyone was looking at me just like I had murdered someone.
I came into the class and sat on the first bench. My bench mate was also a new student. Her name was Vartika. She was very gorgeous and a chubby girl but I was not so gorgeous I was a brown skin girl. Many girls came and talked to my bench mate but no one talked to me. I don't know why and I really don't even care who is talking to me or not I was an extrovert girl so I talked first to a girl who was sitting in the corner. She was an introvert. No likes to talk to her I don't know why. But then I talked to her firstly and asked her name. Her name was Arpita she was a quite intelligent girl and was the one who always wanted to sit quietly and read.

She was good in studies and she even helped me to complete my work. After 2-3 days many girls came to me after noticing my nature. I was a girl who was not afraid to talk to anyone even if a stranger was talking to me. But Arpita was afraid to talk to anyone. She just wanted to be separated from everyone.
And when I started to talk to her after some time she started being Frank with me. I was the only girl who was interested in talking to her so after sometime she told me that she likes me.

I thought it was just because I was the first person to talk to her in a Frank way.
But then she told me her story. She got raped by her own cousin. And her parents don't like her just because she was bisexual and got raped. When I heard that her parents hated her just because she was Bi and got raped at that time if her parents were in front of me then was going to punch them so hard.
How can they hate their own daughter for others'mistakes. Though that was not a mistake that was planned.

At first I felt so weird then I thought that it doesn't matter what she is and how she is i just have to respect her feelings.After I knew she was a bi i quit talking to her. Many girls told me her story and everyone was telling different stories but I knew none of them were true. So I just decided to talk to her about this and I wanted to know about her life I wanted to know what was in her mind what she was suffering from and what she wanted to do what was the reason behind her sadness though I know it was obviously her mom but I can't say anything without any proof so I decided to talk to her about everything thing and will respect her feelings and support her.

I told her that I respect your feelings but I can't do what you want. So she said that if you can't be my girlfriend then will you be my best friend. I said of course I will you can frankly share everything with me. She was a navie her mother hates her very much. She didn't want her to study and always gave her all the household chores to do. And don't even give her phone to study she doesn't even send her to school only once a week.
And beat her too for nothing.

Many times Arpita attempted suicide.
Because she doesn't wanna be in a cage she wants freedom. For her Her home was a prison.

After 7 months in stress Arpita did suicide.
And now she is no more with me right now but I really miss her soo much.
And I want to throw her parents into the prison so that they realise what they have did with their daughter.

My family was supportive they supported me to raise my voice against her parents. Everyone knows for what she attempted suicide but we don't have any evidence so we can not do any thing.
Then I remembered that before attempting suicide she called me but there was network issue so I can not understand what she wanted to say I knew that she had automatic voice recording in her phone I went to police station and said to the officer " good evening sir, I'm Kashish; Arpita's friend I want a strong evidence against her parents. She last called me but I could not understand what she was telling me so can I check her phone to check the recording".

The officer said" Mam it is not allowed to give any evidence to any one it is against our rules". I pleased him so he said" ok, do it in front of me or if any one else will see then they will fire me" i said "ok sir thank you"

I checked the recording in that she said " Kashish you are the only person who knows me very deeply now I can't bear anymore stress I can't handle it anymore. I can not be the kid which my parents wanted and can't even act like that kid I want to be as I'm. Now my parents will be happy and this is my last call you know that I love you you can say that as a friend or as a lover. I have loved you since we became friends or you can say when I saw you. You are the first person I'm Frank with may be that's why I fell in love with you though this was the main reason I was hated by my parents but still I love you you are the only person who understands me you had always supported me with my every decision. Do you when I am with you I always feels like home and I want to be with you always i know you have crush on some one else but please don't thew our memories away even if you don't love me
I had only you in my life".

Now I want to take revenge from her parents by this evidence.

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