"That bright light is the sun?"

"Yes. You must not have seen daylight or night before, have you?" Owen stated.

"No. Not till last night." Sil replied.

"There's much you need to see and learn, young one." Owen declared.

"Do I look anything like my father?" Little Sil asked.

"From what I can remember, yes, you do. You look exactly like him." Owen replied.

"You can prove it, right?"

"Of course. I have some pictures of him." Owen replied and he led the kid to his office next. There, the man showed Sil pics of his dad.

His dad wore a purple gown with spikes on his back. Young Sil had some bumps on his back but no spikes. And in other pics, he had some red, white, and black robes on.

"How did my dad get all those clothes on himself?"

"Lots of careful doing." Owen said, then smelt the air. It wasn't pleasant. "Now that you have seen your father, little Chamberlain, perhaps it is time for your first bath."

Sil glanced up at him in surprise. "What's a bath?"

"I promise I'll make it fun for you, but if you are going to live here, you have to be clean." Owen decreed. "Come with me."

Sil was uncertain he wanted to know what a bath was. The man grabbed one of his hands and guided him to a bathroom. Owen got them in and he closed and locked the door behind him.

"First, I am to get the water running and warmed up. I will add some soap to it. You also need to take your clothes off for this part." Owen explained it to him.

"I don't want to." Sil replied nervously.

"Just wait first." Owen ordered. He began to run the water and set it to warm after plugging up the drain. Water began to fill the tub. He filled it a little way before putting in the soap, and the water began to get bubbly.

Sil was watching what was going on and he was still uncomfortable about this. He knew he drank water but had never been totally wet down by it since his release from the test tube. He didn't want to go back to the test tube.

When the water was high enough, Owen turned the water off. "Now, it's time to get you out of your clothes and get cleaned up. If you've never had a bath before, and being in that alley, you're likely going to be dirty. Let's get you in the tub now. I promise I'll tell you everything that I do." He told him.

"You better." Sil snapped.

Owen helped the little one out of his clothes. Then he helped him to feel the water and Sil slowly got into the tub. It made him tense up at first because it was new to him. He sat down and he slowly relaxed.

Sil explored the feeling he was feeling. He began to splash about in the water like a toddler. It wasn't surprising. The warm water was soothing to his skin.

Owen then had to dump water over his head and body. That part was where little Sil got annoyed at him, but he told him what he was going to do. Then there was the soaping up before washing off. Sil could smell something different on him. It was soap. He hoped it was nothing harmful. Owen would make sure to not leave him alone right now, until he knew how to bathe himself.

Sil had squirmed a few times that he wanted out of the bath, but Owen made sure to keep him in there, telling him he had to get clean, all major body parts. There was lots of dirt that came off of Sil when the water was rinsing him off. Then Owen drained the water. Sil watched it start to go down and he listened to the draining.

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