i. A Day of Firsts.

Start from the beginning

Seated in front of the dean, whose enthusiasm seemed to fill his office, Grace couldn't help but be slightly overwhelmed. "Greendale is thrilled to have you, Ms. Romero!" He exclaimed, his eagerness bordering on excessive for such an early hour. "Did you know we have a statue of our most famous alumnus? Perhaps you've heard of him, Luis Guzman, the acclaimed Puerto Rican actor."

"I'm Colombian," Grace interjected, her voice firm yet friendly, offering a polite smile to steer his assumption.

The dean quickly recovered, his expression earnest as he nodded in understanding, "And that's precisely what we cherish here at Greendale! Diversity is not just acknowledged, it's celebrated. We hope you find this campus to be a welcoming and safe space for you," He assured her, his words carrying genuine warmth.

"So, are you excited about embarking on this new journey with us, Ms. Romero?" He asked eagerly, his eyes reflecting the enthusiasm in his voice.

"Please, call me Grace," she corrected him again, her tone warm as she flashed him a beaming smile. "And yes, I am."

"Grace, then. Will you grace us with your presence at the Fresh-Start Dance in the cafeteria tonight?" He asked, his eyes twinkling with a mix of hope and curiosity.

Embarking on a new philosophy with the start of her adventure, Grace had made a pact with herself to embrace the unexpected. Starting today, she was committed to saying yes to everything. Well, almost everything—anything that was safe and, ideally, not stupid. So, perhaps not quite everything, but it was a significant shift for someone who'd previously lived cautiously. This decision, a bid to break free from her shell and soak up every experience during her college years, didn't make it any easier at the moment. Especially now, under the expectant gaze of the dean.

Grace paused, her gaze drifting momentarily as she weighed her decision, "Yes," she finally said with a slight nod as she mustered a smile, "I suppose I'll try to stop by."

"Great! Well, I wish you all the best! Remember, my door is always open if you need anything," He responded with unwavering enthusiasm. Grace offered a nod, a subtle smile gracing her lips as she acknowledged his offer.

Rising gracefully from her chair, she turned to leave, her posture reflecting a mixture of anticipation and resolve for the journey ahead. "Thank you," She said, pausing at the door to offer the dean a kind smile—a silent gesture of gratitude for his warm welcome. She then turned and left his office, her exit marked by a confident stride that drew the eyes of students and faculty alike.

As she navigated the corridors of Greendale, her walk remained buoyant, unfazed by the bustling environment around her. The soundtrack to this moment of newfound optimism was Kid Cudi's Pursuit of Happiness, playing through her iPod, encapsulating her mood perfectly. With every beat and lyric, her resolve deepened, reinforcing her readiness for what was to come.

Now, with the start of her first class looming, Grace had just one more task to tick off her list—picking up her schedule. With her spirits high and her path clear, she moved through the halls, her presence signaling the start of a new chapter and the pursuit of her own slice of happiness at Greendale.

As Grace continued her confident stride through the halls of Greendale, her mind buzzing with anticipation for the day ahead, she rounded a corner and almost collided with someone. It took her a moment to register the familiar face before her—a face she hadn't seen in years, yet one that stirred a flurry of memories she had long buried.

It was Jeff fucking Winger.

For a fleeting moment, Grace struggled to place him—it had been over a decade since she last saw him, her mind racing to recall their history. He was the guy from high school, the one she had loathed ever since their paths diverged after graduation. They had parted ways on less than amicable terms, each harboring resentment for the other.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 13 ⏰

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