Brotherly Love & Late Night FT (5)

Start from the beginning

"Wouldn't be surprised if they awarded you humanitarian of the year in global and international affairs."

"Oh hush you, I'm not the only contributor and they have members who have been in cooperation since the beginning." Wanda tilts her head back with a hearty laugh, brushing some of her bangs out of her face, since she'd opted for a more laid back attire today alongside a messy bun. Every Wednesday were what she like to call not giving a fuck days, and no one could tell her otherwise so today she was comfortable in her casual light blue mom jeans, paired with a white v neck shirt tucked in with her favorite, light brown knitted cardigan sweater and tan mountain slide sandals.

Natasha was always hyping up her genuinely kind personality and it was such a silly thing because she wanted to donate, she truly wanted to make a change and help the country she originated from. Doing so meant everything to her even though she remained a resident in New York, not once had her childhood home been put on the back burner and living with traditions was also something Wanda kept up with for herself and to feel closer to her roots.

"All I can say is that out of anyone, you'd deserve such an honor, you truly work so hard and have the biggest heart. I've yet to see in anyone else, well...." Natasha trails off thoughtfully, her lips pursing at the one person she's met who was even sweeter than when she met Wanda their freshman year of college. "Maybe not everyone, your little boo thang seems to radiate a feeling of pure innocence that you don't see in many adults nowadays."

"Isn't she just precious?" Wanda replies dreamily, leaning her head on her hands a gentle smile falling onto her lips as her face softens considerably at the mere thought of the sweet angel. Emilia's blue-grey orbs were so distracting in the best ways, and she couldn't help but want to keep the younger woman all to herself but it was almost impossible with their mutually busy schedules.

"How is she doing since your meeting on Monday, you guys have talked right?" Natasha questions, raising an eyebrow that has Wanda shifting uncomfortably under her gaze. Despite how much she liked Emilia, her first priority will always be Wanda and even if she didn't get any bad vibes she would always have an eye out for the bronde haired woman, always. Because she knew Wanda so well, she was already aware of the unspoken attachment that Wanda already seemed to be forming subconsciously.

"I can't imagine you going without at least a little bit of attention from the girl now that she's in a contract with you."

"The contract is there to protect our personal lives," Wanda states seriously, her softened appearance stiffening up in an instant. For Natasha to assume that Emilia was obligated to speak to her like a piece of property was not even close to the nature of their arrangements. She wants to get to know Emilia, not to use her for a nights fuck. Wanda wanted to know her, to know the real Emilia. "She means so much more than that anyway, more than any signature and unfortunately for me, we've really only sent each other good morning and goodnight texts since when I get home I tend to be passed out before ten, eleven at the latest."

The held intense eye contact for a moment, Wanda being the first to break eye contact as she looks away briefly. "I was thinking about calling her, maybe plan to meet up with her soon..." Wanda mumbles to herself, loud enough for Natasha to hear despite it being more of a consideration. She'd spent so much time wanting someone, who willingly wanted to spend time with her but did not consider the things she would want to do and now, she didn't want to be too extravagant but she didn't want to bore the younger woman either. Plus it wasn't a date, more so an outing with a friend?

'Friend.' Wanda thinks internally, sighing at the thought. She hadn't been on a date in years, so it shouldn't be too hard to find something to do, right?

The bite in Wanda's tone was evidently clear and Nat smiles and brushes off the attitude like nothing. It was obvious Wanda was already protective and even if she silently claimed that Emilia wasn't anyone's property, there was no denying that she was already Wanda's. "I have a feeling that with or without the contract she would keep your situation to herself."

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