twenty five. i know the end

Start from the beginning

"Bullshit. I'm not going to just let you die, I'm gonna do it." Andre swore, he wouldn't let his sister continue to use her powers.

"I don't need you to protect me." She yelled, before she remember where she was, this wasn't the place. "I'm sorry." She looked down at her handcuffed hands in her lap.

"It's okay. And I want to. You have someone to live for, and right now it looks like neither of us are going to be the next polarity, not if we're dead, so first we need to find out how to escape."

"We can't go anywhere while we're still moving, we just need to wait till we see where they're taking us."

"What if they kill us, all of us?" Emma chimed in, a look of real fear plastered on her face. She was smaller than she usually was, but not quite as tiny as when she does her tiny cricket videos.

"They would have done it earlier if they were going to." Jordan said their shoulder touching Ari's because their hands couldn't meet.

"But if that's their plan, we have to do..." Ari's words were interrupted as the van doors opened, letting in a bright light from the sun.

"Get out, now!" A loud, raspy voice yelled demandingly, coming from a small but burly man.

They all did what they were told, scared for their lives.

Once they emptied the van he pushed Andre who was in the back of the now formed line.

"Hey!" Andre shrieked as he stumbled into his sister.

"Keep walking. And don't stop, or we'll have no choice but to kill all of you."


"Andre do what he says!" Ari, who was in front of him elbowed him.

He did just that, stayed silent and followed the others.

  They were walked through what looked like maximum security, and were each given a hospital like gown.

"Great so we're in like, The Woods part two?" Emma laughed, not a laugh because it was exactly funny, but because it was ironic. They tried so hard to help them and now they were becoming them.

  "This is a shit show. We didn't fucking do anything." Ari claimed to the guards passing by, but no one listened.

  "Shut the fuck up, before you end up like that one boy." One of the guards said, a warning.

  "What one boy?"

   "Jayden." Emma whispered to her.


  "In the end he helped us, and Homelander killed him."

  "Why did he kill him, and not us?"

   "Well Jayden stood up for you after Homelander realized he lasered the wrong person. He claimed you were innocent and tried to tell him the whole plan. So he just killed him instead, because apparently killing them was enough."

  "So Jayden is dead, but Marie survived?"

  "We think."

  "Well, then we better find out."


They changed into their hospital gowns and were led into a white confined room with a large gaping door way, blinding bright lights and ugly hospital beds. There Marie was laying unconscious in one of them, and another person smothered in their sheets.

"She's safe." Ari sighed, a sigh of relief. She owed her, her life, literally.

"And somehow we are too." Jordan spoke, being the last one in the room.

The opening in the wall, almost as if on cue disappeared, entrapping them in the room.

"Fuck!" Andre yelled.

"Let us out!" Ari banged on the wall, as the others joined her shouting curses.

"Look, it's no use. We're not going to be able to get out. I've already tried" The person who was under the sheets said aloud, sending a chill down Ari's body when she recognized the voice. There was Jayden, the "dead" boy walking, or more so sitting.

  Except he didn't look like Jayden. The skin on his hands were severely burned and a long scar appeared across his face, she now noticed the bloody bandages on the floor that he somehow managed to take off of his hands.

  "What the hell happened to you?" Ari looked concerned, though she tried not to care. He was an awful person that caused her so much pain.

   "I was shitty, and I got what I deserved." Jayden admitted.

   "Isn't that fucking right? Try to fucking mess with Ari again like you did last time and it'll be worse." Jordan said, in an angry tone.

  "Jordan! I appreciate you standing up for me, and I love you so much, but please. He was just trying to explain, and he defended me." Ari put a hand to their arm.


  "I'm sorry too, to you and Jordan. I can't take back what happened, what I said wasn't okay." Jayden looked down, at his hands.

  "You're right you were a fucking asshole, but there's no point in doing anything to you, it looks like we're going to be stuck here for a while so let's just all try to get along." Ari wanted to be reasonable, she might have hated this guys guts now after the comment he made about their sex but she couldn't just let him die. He was her first bully but he was also her first crush.

"Right." He turned the sheets back over his head to hide what he thought was his now ugly face, but no matter how hard he tried he would still always be attractive, even with the scar.

Days turned into two weeks and still Marie stayed unconscious. Ari was losing hope, all she could do was stick by Jordan's side, as she tried not to lose her mind. The boredom seemed to be getting to her faster than the others.

"It's okay, we're going to get out of here." Jordan sat by her in her bed, holding her hand.

"Who knows what's going on outside of this shithole." She played her head on their shoulder.

"Well for all we know they could be making us out as the villains." Jordan whispered, so the others couldn't hear. Jayden had been silent since their first interaction and sometimes she thought he was dead, but he would always come out from under his sheets for lunch and dinner.

"It just hurts that Athena would do that. She was my best friend."

"It's okay. We'll find her when we get out of her, and when Marie wakes up maybe we'll have a better chance."

"Maybe, but I doubt it."

Marie's body twitched, but only for a second, they thought she would wake up, but she didn't, atleast not for a few more days.

This time she twitched again, but her whole body moved.

"The hell?" Marie sat up immediately, waking up only a split second before.

"Marie, you're awake!" Ari cheered, about to hug her new friend, before she remembered how injured she had been. "Sorry."

"What happened?"

Andre walked over to her hospital-like bed. "You took that blast like a fucking champ. Anyone else would be in the ground."

"You saved me Marie. I've never had a friend like that before."

Marie said nothing to that, overwhelmed with every single thing.

"There's no doors." She panicked, looking around the room. "Where are we?"

A/N: this is the last chapter until the new season comes out, or perhaps the last chapter of 'fade into you' in general, as i might just make a sequel!! please always feel free to correct me if i misspelled anything, i will be going through and fixing and adding things. also!!! thank you so much for all of the support, votes, reads and comments i love all of you so much!!🫶🫶

and please check out some of my other stories if you get the chance.

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