Scene 29

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Laney and Matilda are now in Laney’s workshop, about to make their way out of the case. Laney grabs a coat that hangs on the side of one of her shelves, puts it on, and climbs the latter.

She pushes the lid open, but it won’t budge.

Laney: Matilda, you didn’t lock the case, did you?

Matilda: No, I don’t think so. Why?

Laney pushes on the top, putting more force into it.

Laney: That’s strange.

Matilda: It won’t open?

Laney: It doesn’t appear so.

Matilda: So we’re stuck in here?

Laney: Yes.

Matilda: This is horrible! We’re going to die in here! 

Laney climbs down the latter.

Laney: Don’t worry, I’m sure everything will turn out okay!

Matilda: How can everything be okay when we’re stuck down here without food?

Laney: If we don’t ever get rescued, we can result in eating cat food! I have quite a few bags of it, the pygmy puffs have started to eat more spiders and berries, so it’ll be alright!

Matilda: Cat food? That sounds horrible!

Laney: It beats starving to death.

Matilda, who appears frantic, stops to weigh out starving to death or eating animal food.

Matilda: Yeah alright.

A beat.

Laney: So, I suppose we do have time for a tour after all.

The screen goes black.

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