Chapter I

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“Would you quit pushing me around?” I demanded whilst trying to escape from under her arms.

“No, not until you promise you’d go and talk to him, tell him how you feel an…”

“I can’t Jess, I just can’t” I interrupted her “what if I ruin everything? What if he decides it’s too much to take in and he stops talking to me?”

“Well that’s a risk you got to take darling, you can’t just sit on your ass all day hoping he’ll come up to you and ask you out on a date”

She finally let go of me and sat down on a nearby rock, she leaned back her left foot against it and grabbed her mirror from her bag, took a long look at herself, pouted and carefully put the mirror back.

“You don’t get it do you? Jake is different to all the guys in your phone contacts Jess, he’s not someone I talk to one day and forget about the next, I don’t want to lose him, if I can’t date him, I might as well keep him as my best friend”

The words did come out of my mouth but I really couldn't stand the thought of them being true. All I could hear was Jakes guitar and the melody of his beautiful voice in the distance, everyone was gathered around the camp fire except me and Jessica, The way he played drove me insane and knowing I couldn't quite retrain myself I wandered off and Jess being the nosy friend that she is began to follow me.

“So what…? You’re going to just let him go? Watch him get hurt over girls who don’t care about him half as much as you do? What is wrong with you soph?”

Her little pep talk got interrupted by the sound of her ringtone; she immediately grabbed her phone from her skirt pocket, stuck up her index finger signalling me to wait a minute and answered.

“Hello? Oh Liam babe, I was just thinking about you. Dinner next Saturday? Well I'm not too sure but I’ll text you and let you know, yeah, okay then, bye hun”

I could never stand Jessica when she spoke to one of her guys, I couldn't quite understand how she was capable of talking to more than one guy without feeling anything, I had known one guy my whole entire life and couldn't stand the thought of being with anyone else. Suddenly the sound of applause echoed throughout the whole forest; I looked over at the camp fire to witness Jake showing off his pearly whites, grinning from ear to ear. He took a long look around the camp fire and all of a sudden his beautiful smile vanished, instead a sort of confused look appeared, he placed his guitar under his seat and started walking towards us.

“Oh look who’s coming this way” Jess tormented

I scowled at her, sat on the rock next to her facing the other way; I had to pretend nothing was wrong.

He hadn't completely gotten to us yet when he shouted “let me guess, someone rang you and you had to get away from all the noise?”

“Not quite” Jess whispered into my ear whilst giggling “Don’t you dare” I whispered back

He stopped walking and stood in front of us “I don’t care how many guys you talk to Jess, just don’t drag Sophia into it, she’s far too naïve for your games” he said whilst winking at me and pinching my shoulder.

“Oh whatever” Jess grunted as she was walking away from us

I didn't want to look at Jake because I knew as soon as I did he would realise there was something wrong, so my eyes followed jess into the darkness. She didn't stop, except once turning light heartedly and mouthed

“Tell him!”

Jake –

Under my pillow I felt something vibrate; I clenched my hand around it and stuck it up to my face without it not quite reaching my ear.

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