Irene's POV: And It All Starts

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It was both heartbreaking and pathetic to Irene that she still followed her sister around like a 5 year old. And it was then that she decided she might as well try going out and talking to people.

Irene had just left with the other Gryffindors and Ravenclaws to the Great Hall for lunch after an exciting introduction to Defense Against the Dark Arts by a professor named Marazion. She spotted Elvira some way ahead of her with the green-eyed girl, Avianna, and a tall Ravenclaw girl.

Irene looked at the trio as she walked past, trying to see if Elvira would notice her.

But Elvira didn't even spare a glance towards Irene, which hurt her a little.

Irene hurriedly sat down at the Gryffindor table, someway near the end where no one was sitting. The trio of girls had just entered the Great Hall and were now standing in a group together. Irene watched as a Slytherin girl joined them, talking quietly to Avianna with an amused expression.

Irene returned to her food with a sigh, realising that they wouldn't notice her any time. And soon enough, the Ravenclaw and Slytherin broke off from their group to their own tables, meanwhile Avianna and Elvira took a seat at the other end of the Gryffindor table, far away from Irene.

"You know, I've never seen someone eating as forcibly as you do," the stranger said. Irene refused to look in their direction, ignoring them and continuing to eat. "Well, I mean except my dad. Always in the morning before he went to work."

"Anyways, my name's Lucy. Lucy Weasley," the stranger, or Lucy Weasley, said. "And who are you?"

Sighing, Irene turns to look at her. Lucy seemed to be a much older girl, probably a 5th year, with flaming, flowy red hair and chocolate-brown eyes. Irene notices the splash of freckles on Lucy's pale skin, though more obviously on her nose. Lucy's wand is tucked behind her ear, books gripped tightly in front of her.

"I'm Irene Shin," Irene replies. Lucy beams, sticking out her hand. Irene shakes it.

"So, how are you liking Hogwarts?" Lucy asks.

Irene shrugs. "Fine, I guess. Not many friends though. Even my sister is ignoring me."

"Ah, I see. I did seem to notice that you weren't sitting next to anyone in particular when I came over," Lucy says. "But we can still change that. You know, when it was my first year, my sister, Molly, always tried to ignore me. Of course, well I had my cousins, but I think you can find your own group quite quickly over here. You see, there are more people looking for friends like you than you'd think."

"Thanks," Irene said quietly. Lucy nodded.

Lucy got up. "Well, it looks like my dear old cousin, Hugo, is calling for me. I better get going. And I really do know you'll get along here just fine."

With a final smile, Lucy left and walked towards a tall boy with the same flaming red hair.

After Irene finished with her food, she decided to go to the library, since there was still a whole 30 minutes before the end of lunch. When she got there, Irene saw that most tables had already been occupied by older students, leaving only one spot at a table.

Slowly, Irene made her way to the table. Three other girls were already sitting there. It seemed that they were all first years. Irene recognized them as the girls she had shared a train compartment with. The first girl was the Hufflepuff who made a scene with the professor, or her dad, during Herbology. The second was the Ravenclaw that had somehow stumbled into the greenhouses when she was supposed to be in Charms, and the third girl was the quiet one that almost never spoke on the train.

Irene cleared her throat. "Hello, can I sit here?"

Surprisingly, it was Brooklyn that replied.

"Sure," she shrugged. Irene pulled out the chair and set her book bag on the floor and pulled out her Defence Against the Dark Arts book.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 17 ⏰

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