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that night, she crawled into bed with her boyfriend before speaking

"so what's the real reason you don't want me coming" she said, i blinked not expecting a continuation of the previous conversation especially with a question like that

"what do you mean" i asked

"i know for a fact you aren't a hypocrite, and i truly believe you want a partner above all else so you wouldn't dump me unless there was something i was missing, what are you really afraid of" she asked, i sighed

"i had hoped you wouldn't catch on to that, sometimes i wonder if you are too smart for your own good" i said

"if i wasn't this smart love, you'd likely not be as attracted to me" ikuno pointed out, which was true i liked smart women

"during our journey, i did many things to myself in order to gain control of my EVA this was before i learned of ways to extract the soul from it so, until that point i needed to put a leash on yui ikari, i found that leash" i said

"what's the problem" she asked

"it makes me more dangerous the sakuya" i replied, her eyes widened

"the main reason i where my kaixa armor, is because it also functions as a soothing agent for my amazonian side, when you see me take the azrael and disappear for a few days, that is me letting loose letting that side of me out" i said

"wait, but you said you reincarnated" she said

"somehow my....... additions transferred with me they became my bloodline, i believe this has to do with me using the to control the evangelion, and that because of that it has permanently bonded them to me, do you remember telling me that one time after we fought that gutenberg about your missing memories, and how i avoided you for weeks because of it" i asked

"you were the cause" she asked, i nodded

"that the first thing i feed on, your memories, then i feed on your body, literally, that feeds me, i have found ways around it, the azrael is connected to a special system that feeds me directly, but that only puts me on hold, my amazon side fortunately can also be supplemented with plenty of protein as well, which is why you always see me devouring meat and eggs and such, i can hold myself back mostly, but the only person i know who could handle me outside of an EVA pilot is sakuya, the reason i don't want you to come is that i don't want to be the reason you are dead, i don't want to accidentally kill you, because against the angels it will happen" i said

"is there a way around it" she asked, i paused

"there is, but there is a catch" she said, i nodded

"what is it" she asked

"you would have to become like me" i said, she didn't even have to think about it

"how do i go about it" she asked, i stared at her

"do you even understand the kind of curse i carry, human beings are my prey, i have to hold back simply to keep myself in check" i said

"i'm your partner i won't let you be alone, how do i go about it" she asked again, but this time i shook my head

"i do not have the resources at my disposal at this moment to even give you a piece of what i am, and i am running out of time, i need to be there when the third angel attacks, they will likely not have a defense against it, and even if they preemptively summon asuka, she likely won't win" i said

"fine, take sakuya then, but your not going alone, i am sure sakuya will be happy to go with you" ikuno said stubbornly, i paused, but sighed in agreement

"now, tell me about yourself, don't leave anything out, i don't need your experiences i just need to know who and what you are" she said, i nodded my agreement

"rei called us the seraphim, even after our reincarnations as literal devils we still called ourselves that, i am a hybrid of a primogenitor an incredibly powerful vampire the fifth one actually, a magius an alien vampire, a shinigami, an ultraman technically, a campione which is a godslayer i am the eighth of that though only by a few minutes on that front, i am also a god, i am an amazon as i mentioned, which are creatures with an substantial amount of protein which makes them almost always hungry, fortunately do to me hybridizing myself i do not suffer that and they are known to hunt humans or even other amazons and cannibalizing them, and i am a devil, my devil side is enhanced by my amazonian sides enhanced abilities" i said

"and what does it mean to be a devil" she asked

"greater desires, extremely long lifespans, and to offset that an extremely low fertility rate" i said

"wow" she said, digesting all she had learned

"and you said you had servants" she said

"i did, at rei's insistance i started to gather servants though eventually i started to enjoy having them, i blame that on my devil side" i said

"what if that is what we do then" she asked i looked at her confused

"you will take sakuya and go do what you need to in your world then we can take the parasites train them as you did previously, and we can restart what you did in your last life" she said

"i'm not sure i'd want to do that" i asked

"why not, because in my last life, i claimed to members of this very squad as my own" i said

"ichigo and sakuya" she said, not surprised, ichigo was his partner in the last timeline, and sakuya would be useful to have on hand

"take them again, i am sure you could convince them, i've seen how they both look at you, despite how oblivious you can be, sakuya treats her partner as her brother and vise versa, and ichigo and goro are only best friends they won't be anything more, take them, make them yours, but i will claim you first" she said

"just as i will claim you my love" i said, kissing her she kissed back passionately

"good" she said when they separated as they snuggled together

"let's sleep, i'll talk to sakuya about her joining your little expedition" she said, i nodded as i drifted to sleep, as i was yet again reminded why i loved this girl so much

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