Chapter 31 Judgment is Passed

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"I've achieved a transcendent evolution!" Graphite bragged about his new form. He swings his spear at them and flames come out from its weapon to slash. "I'm now Level... 99!"

"What!?" Taiga gape in shock after hearing his level status.

"You're not the only one with a trick on their sleeves, Graphite." Kanade retorted back with a smirk. "If they're the only ones who can upgrade? Why can't I?"

"Kanade, I give you permission to access the X-Drive!" She heard Luna's voice through her headpiece.

"Thank you, Luna." She thanked the female android and her whole body glowed. "X-Drive!" Her bodysuit changed from a white-vermillion body suit to a white-gold body suit with a red scarf on its neck.

"She can transform like us?" Taiga whispered as he remembered Kanade upgraded her relic without having a chance to use it

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"She can transform like us?" Taiga whispered as he remembered Kanade upgraded her relic without having a chance to use it.

Hiiro growled in annoyance and couldn't land a hit on Lovelia while Ophelia defeated the maiden Bugsters. "It's no use! No use!" Lovelica reminded the genius surgeon as the hits kept on missing. "Violence is a minus on your charm in my dating game." The love Bugster explained.

Hiiro flips his cape and holds his sword. "There is nothing I cannot cut!" He declared.

Ophelia remained silent and dodged the maiden Bugsters' kick before she successfully destroyed them. "No! My ladies!" Lovelica wailed and they got defeated by the former goddess.

Taiga silently thanked Kanade for partnering with him to fight against Graphite. His Gashat Level is no match for Graphite but with Kanade's help, they can stand a chance. "Transcendent Secret Technique!" Graphite used his final attack while his weapon was covered in flames. "Extreme Explosive Crimson Dragon Sword!" He swings it and targets them.

Kanade encountered it with one of her attacks. "Not on my watch!" She draws back at the tip of her Armed Gear, covered in red-blue flames before throwing it towards Graphite's flame dragon.


They clash together and cause a huge explosion to push each other away from the attacks. Hiiro struggles to battle Lovelica while Ophelia can land a hit on him. "No lady will even glance at a man like you." The love Bugster taunted Hiiro but got crashed on the wall by her kick.

"Ophelia?" Hiiro groaned and reverted himself to normal.

Kanade and Taiga collide with each other due to the explosion as the unlicensed doctor reverts to normal while the red-haired woman is covered in bruises. "That attack sure packs a punch." She muttered under her breath while using her spear as a support to stand.

Ophelia's eyes widened in shock when Graphite unleashed his final attack again. She stood before Hiiro, Taiga and Kanade and took the hit. The former goddess couldn't help but scream in pain as her hairclips got destroyed and received scratches all over her body.

The Guardian (Kamen Rider Ex-Aid Crossover)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora