you giggled "Im glad Ron, but isn't it ilegal what were doing what if we get caught?" you asked nervously looking at him you were thinking half about Dumbeldores army and half about how cute ron looked with his hair over his eyes and his smile...

"Don't worry, Y/n," Ron said with a reassuring smile. "We'll be careful and make sure we don't get caught. Besides, it's important to stand up for what you believe in, even if it's against the rules sometimes." He said, placing his hand on your shoulder. You felt a jolt of electricity run through your body at his touch and couldn't help but smile back at him. 

 "Okay, I trust you guys," you said with a grin. "Good!" Ron exclaimed, grinning widely. "We're gonna have so much fun tonight!"

that night you came early Harry and Hermione were not there yet and it was only Ron. As you waited for Harry and Hermione to arrive, Ron walked over to you with a smile. 

"Hey, Y/n! Glad you could make it," he said. 

 "Thanks for inviting me, Ron," you replied with a smile. 

 "So, how's your day been?" Ron asked, standing next to you. 

 "It's been good. Just studying mostly," you said. "Ah, I know the feeling. The exams are coming up soon, aren't they?" Ron said sympathetically. You nodded in agreement. 

"Yeah, they are. I'm really nervous about them." 

 "Don't worry too much about it," Ron said reassuringly. "We'll all help each other out if we need to." 

 "Thanks Ron," you said with a grateful smile. Suddenly, the door to the Room of Requirement swung open and Harry and Hermione walked in. They looked around in surprise at seeing only you and Ron there so far. 

 "Sorry we're late," Harry said apologetically as he walked over to where you were standing with Ron. "It's okay," Ron said with a grin. "We were just waiting for you guys."

"And we'll have to wait a lot more i think im going to tell the others were having a meeting" Hermione said "I think I'll join you!" harry said "You too dont mind being alone do you?" he asked "Nope were fine!" you said as harry walked out. when they came back lots of students were with them.

"Alright then, let's get started," Harry said, standing up from where he was sitting. "I think we should start with some basic spells and then move on to more advanced ones." 

 "Sounds good to me," you agreed, pulling out your wand. As others came in they followed suit and pulled out their wands, you had a sense of excitement building within you. You were eager to learn more practical defense against the Dark Arts and couldn't wait to see what Harry had in store for the lesson. As you all gathered around Harry, he began explaining the first spell they were going to practice. As he spoke, his enthusiasm for the subject was infectious and you found yourself getting caught up in it as well. The rest of the night passed by quickly as you all practiced various spells and techniques together. It was hard work but also incredibly rewarding, especially when you saw how much progress everyone was making. By the end of the night, your arms were tired from all the wand-waving but your heart was filled with pride at how far you had come since joining Dumbledore's Army. And as you said goodbye to your friends for the night, promising to meet again soon, you knew that this was just the beginning of an incredible journey ahead. You had stayed behind to look in a mirror and you looked at yourself for a while suddenly Ron came up behind you 

 "you ok?" he asked

 "yeah i just...what if we dont win what will happen to Hogwarts and all of us im just worried." you said as a green plant began to grow above you

Ron put his hand on your shoulder and said, "Don't worry about it. We'll figure something out." "What if we don't have time?" you asked, looking up at him. 

 "We do," he replied. "It's just a matter of finding the right person to help us." 

 "Who is that?" You asked "I don't know yet," Ron said. "But we will soon. I promise."

"What--whats that?" you asked looking up at the plant with white berries "Mistletoe!" Ron breathed and looked at you "aren't we suposed to..." you trailed and looked him in the eye your heart skipped a beat

Ron looked at you, his eyes meeting yours. He hesitated for a moment before leaning in and pressing his lips to yours. You felt a rush of warmth spread through your body as the kiss deepened, and you wrapped your arms around Ron's neck, pulling him closer to you as he wrapped his arms around your waist, you pulled away for air but Ron pulled you back.  You giggled, "What's so funny?" Ron said "Oh nothing," you replied quickly and he kissed you again. After what felt like an eternity, Ron pulled away with a grin on his face. 

"I've been wanting to do that for ages," he said. You blushed at his words but couldn't help but smile back at him. "Me too," you admitted. 

 As the two of you stood there in the Room of Requirement, surrounded by the feel magic and spells, it felt like nothing else in the world mattered except for this moment between the two of you. And as long as Ron was by your side, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead together, you knew that everything would be alright.

ahhhhh! i love this one so much because i really loved it when harry and cho kissed under the misteltoe 😆 its kind of cliche but i still love it! anyway love ya'll thanks for reading! 

-- Ahsoka out :)

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