Draco x reader

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🛑mentions of torture 🛑 hope you like this one! it is kind of sad. also sorry i do not have a yellow warning on my laptop it dosent work 

"Ah, hello." Mr. Malfoy greeted with mock politeness. slowly walking towards you.

"Lucius Malfoy," you said trying to keep your anger in. How could he be so mean and have a son that was practicaly the sweetest Slytheryn ever, your gaze wanderd towards the door and saw some other deatheaters come in

"Ah, yes, my associates. It's good to see you all here." Lucius said with a smile, acknowledging the other Death Eaters who had entered the room. "I hope you're all ready for our next move. We have much to do if we want to achieve our goals." he continued, his eyes gleaming with ambition and power. "But first, let me introduce you to my lovely wife Narcissa, and my son Draco," he said gesturing towards them as they entered the room. "they are an essential part of our plan."

you looked at Draco with hurt in your eyes he just looked away as he couldent bear to watch them torture you

Lucius noticed your gaze on his son and smiled coldly. "Ah, yes. My dear Draco." he said, placing a hand on the boy's shoulder. "He is eager to prove himself in our cause." Draco looked away, clearly uncomfortable with the situation. "I see you're still as stubborn as ever," Lucius said, turning back to you. "But don't worry, we'll break you eventually."

"You will never break me!" you said looking at Draco, silently pleading with him to convince his father to let you go, he looked at you so much pain in his eyes and slowly looked to his father "Father, let. her. go." he said looking him straight in the eye. Lucius' expression turned cold as he heard his son speak up. "What did you say, boy?" he asked, his tone menacing. Draco stood tall, defiantly. "I said let her go. She's not a threat to us." he repeated. Lucius' face twisted in anger. "How dare you speak out of turn! You will learn your place and show respect for your elders!" He turned to one of the deatheaters and they slapped Draco.

"You cant do that!" you yelled "slapping your own son! its barbaric! please Mr Malfoy, you don't have to do this please let me go i was just trying to talk to Draco!" you said a tear trickling down your cheek Draco couldn't stand it anymore he ran to your side but as soon as he did Bellatrix yelled "Crucio!" you screamed in pain but Lucius stopped her "Now, now, that's no way to treat a......guest." he snarled

Lucius's expression turned dark "You have no right to speak to me like that," he snapped. "You are in my home, on my land, and you will show me respect." Draco looked torn between his loyalty to his father and his sympathy for you. He hesitated before finally walking towards his father slowly. "Let me go, father." he said softly. "I don't want this anymore." Lucius's face softened slightly as he looked at his son, but quickly hardened again as he remembered their cause. "I'm Sorry my boy, but you don't get to decide when your mother and I fight." he said with malice in his eyes.

Draco's face fell at his father's words. He had hoped that Lucius would see reason, but it seemed that he was too deep in their cause to back out now. "Please, father," Draco pleaded softly. "Let her go. She doesn't deserve this." Lucius glared at his son before turning back to you with a sneer. "You are nothing but a filthy mudblood," he spat. "And I will make sure that everyone knows it."

"please father! I-I love her," he said finally and turned to you

Lucius looked at Draco with a raised eyebrow, clearly surprised by his son's confession. "What did you say?" he asked, looking back at you. 

"You heard me," Draco said firmly, stepping closer to you. "I love her." Lucius was quiet for a moment before finally speaking. 

"This changes nothing." he said coldly. "You still have your duty to the Death Eaters." 

"But-" Draco started to protest but was interrupted by Lucius' raised voice.

 "Silence!" he bellowed. 

"You will do as I say or suffer the consequences." Draco looked crushed as Lucius turned and walked away, leaving him standing there alone with you.

"You-you love me?" you asked looking up at him as he pulled you up "yes i do, Y/n, i love you so much." he said now breathing heavily and looking directly into your eyes

Lucius watched the exchange between you and Draco, feeling a pang of jealousy at the way Draco was looking at you. He had always known that his son had feelings for you, but he never thought that he would admit it so openly. He cleared his throat loudly to interrupt the moment. "Enough of this nonsense," he said coldly. "We have work to do." Draco looked up at his father with a mix of defiance and fear in his eyes. Lucius could see the conflict written on his face, but he didn't care. He was determined to see their cause through to the end, no matter what it took. "You will both come with me," he said firmly, gesturing towards the door. "We have much to discuss." 

don't forget to vote and comment! 💚 🐍 Love ya'll!  

-- Ahsoka out :) 

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