Chapter 3

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22 BBY - 13 years old

"Youngling Caran!," someone from the other side of the door is yelling while pounding on my door, "Lora"

I grunt while rolling out of my bed, who can possible be so cruel so early in the morning. I hiss as I turn my head just to get a sunray shot in my face. Then it hits me, at the time the sun rose. I should have been in class.

"No, no, no" I curse at myself while quickly throwing on some appropriate clothes, I run to open the door. Opening the door, I found Master Chi with a scowl on his face.

"I'm so sorry master," I ramble, "I know I'm late, it won't happen again". Master Chi holds his hand up to stop me from continuing to talk.

"Class is over, the council wishes to see you"

My heart stops. The council wants to see me? About what? I've made any mistakes, I always come to class on time. Well, except for today. But I can't imagine that they would kick me out for being late to class once, right? Where would I even go, I have nowhere. My heart is pounding as I approach the council room. I stop outside the doors to calm my breath. I feel like I am on fire.

"You can do this, you can do this, it's going to be okay Lora" I keep telling myself. Then the doors open, and I walk in. All the masters are there. I havn't been in the council room since the day I was brought to the jedi temple by master Windu. He came to check on me after he returned from his mission, but other than that I hadn't really seen him since then. The same about master Obi-wan, it was clear that both of them is stunned to see how much I have changed since then. I take a breath as I stand in the middle of the room, feeling all the gazes of the masters on me.

"Youngling Lora, wished to see you, we did," grandmaster Yoda breakes the silence.

"Yes master Yoda, I apologize for missing class this morning, master," I notice how a few of the masters is smiling amused at my outburst about a little mistake.

"Alright it is young Lora," he calms me down and gives me a little smile, "something different, talk to you about, we wanted."

My hands is shaking, but even as I hide them behind my back, I'm sure you can see the rest of my body trembling in nerves. I can't come up with another reason for why they wanted see me. But because of master Yoda's words, I no longer feel like I was being kicked out. Which obviously is a relief, but it also just makes me more uneasy.

"As a jedi youngling, great work you have done," he starts, "Great strength, you have shown. Skilled in combat, you are"

He takes a break to breathe. The moment felt like thousands. My lungs and eyes burns.

"Ready to be a jedi padawan, we believe you are" he ends. I can't breath, I can't think. A padawan, they are promoting me to padawan. Everything I've trained for, all those hours of combat training, all those bruises. Not to mention all those countless nights I've spent studying.

"A padawan?" I can't help but ask. Master Yoda just gives me a nod.

"Train under master Obi-wan, you will"

My head turns quickly to find his eyes already on me. I must look ridiculous. My mouth slightly open and my eyes big. He gives me a big smile and can't help but grin back at him before I turn back to master Yoda.

"It's a great honor master Yoda, thank you" I say while I bow.

"To your shared quarters you will move, padawan Lora" I can't believe my own ears. It doesn't sound real. Sometimes I would call myself a padawan when I would daydream about the days I would be a real jedi padawan.

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