Chapter six: business date?

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Bolaji was already sitting in a comfortable spot by the window inside the fancy restaurant Miss Browne decided on. The large picture window provided a spectacular view of the city. The restaurant, which was located on a high ground, gave the perfect view of the city. It was a really beautiful scenery, with the morning sun bouncing off windows and roofs of buildings, and the tree tops that surrounded the building. Bolaji, dressed up in his business suit, was sipping water as he waited for Samantha Browne to arrive. He didn’t show it, but he was anxious and a little out of his element. He had not felt this way in a long time, he was usually calm about everything and tried to keep a levelled head. The little conversation they had the previous day made him very anxious to meet her. Bolaji made sure to position himself in such a way he would see her approach when she comes in. Bolaji wanted to have as much control of the situation as he can, he arrived very early for that reason too. He would be able to get at least a little read on her before they start conversing.
As he was deep in his thought, the door of the restaurant chimed and in walked the lady he had been fantasizing and agonizing about since the moment he laid eyes on her. Still as beautiful as the day he first saw her, and once again he was star struck. Dressed in a grey business suit and wearing trousers that did not completely reach her ankles. Her suit, though not tight was body fitted, and it showed all her curves well. Her long hair was braided which caused her face to be pulled tight, so he could see all her facial feature very clearly. Her face was almost oval with small but wide opened eyes, she had a small but beautifully shaped nose and a nicely shaped full lips. She was about 5’6 or 5’7, he couldn’t tell because she was wearing low heels. She walked over to him in well measured steps that conveyed authority, which to Bolaji just made her sexier. Samantha Browne was a very sexy and beautiful lady that was turning heads in the restaurant. She was highlight for the moment, the star.
Bolaji was very glad he had planned to sit facing the door to assess the situation before they conversed. It gave him the time to compose himself as his mouth was almost hanging as his heart raced. He didn’t need anyone to tell him she was the one he was meeting. So, the lady he had met that day was the heiress to the brown’s empire, huh. 
As Samantha Browne walked up to him, Bolaji was hit by her scent. It was a strong flora scent but it was refreshing. Her eyes were a pair of beautiful deep brown, it looked so earthly. She had a clear fair skin complexion.
Bolaji stood up his full height as she got to him, extended his hands to shake her as he introduced himself. ‘’ Good morning. I am Bolaji Oladele and I’m the Director of the Antares enterprise. I believe we spoke yesterday.’’
She gave him a smile as she slid her hands into his and electric sparks went throughout his body. Her soft hands were small against his own as it nestled perfectly in his. This lady was already doing something to him and this was just his second time meeting her.
‘’ Yes, we did.’’ she shook his hands and slid into the seat opposite of his. ‘’ Samantha Browne. I’m the acting CEO of the Browne’s Enterprise… ‘’

As Samantha entered the restaurant, she did a quick search around the around the room and her eyes fell on the man sitting by the large picture window. He was the handsome guy she met the other day she visited the Antares enterprise. He was dressed casually that day, she didn’t think he would turn out to be the Director. But why did he go to his company dressed casually? And why was she told he wasn’t around?  She thought. It might be that he wasn’t supposed to be there. Maybe he was on a break of some sort. She cleared her thought of that. That wasn’t important now, she is here to discuss business.
Samantha got to the table, and as she did he stood up. He had to be about 6’0 or taller. He was just as she remembered, handsome, with his almost boyish face but he now had nicely shaped beard which was nicely trimmed. He had let it grown a little from that time. His brown eyes seemed to be staring into hers. She suppressed a shiver that was coming from within her. The business face she intended to put up broke into a smile as she took the hand he extended and shook it. She had only intended to give a quick smile but she was now unintentionally smiling with all her white teeth out. His hand was big as it almost completely swallowed hers, they were also coarse against her soft one. His touch sent sparks through her body. The cologne he used also smelled really nice, she found herself wanting to hug him to bask in his scent.
‘’ Good morning. I am Bolaji Oladele and I’m the Director of the Antares enterprise. I believe we spoke yesterday.’’ He introduced himself in a deep, husky voice that resounded deep in her soul.
‘’ Yes, we did. Samantha Browne,’’ she introduced herself trying to keep her voice normal. She slid into the chair opposite of his. He also sat back down in his chair. ‘’I’m the acting CEO of the Browne’s Enterprise. Nice to meet you, Mr Oladele.’’
‘’ Nice to meet you too, Miss Browne.’’ Bolaji said nodding his head. ‘’ When we spoke, you said the matter was something that required a meet.’’
He was looking at her a little bit strange, she could see he definitely remembered seeing her before. He didn’t say anything about it, though. She probably had the same look on her face and she also decided not say anything about it.
‘’ Before we commence the business talk, let’s order something to eat. I hear the food here is really good.’’ He said breaking her out of her thought.
‘’ Yeah. It is really good. I can personally attest to that.’’ She smiled at him. She was familiar with the place, she occasionally came to this place, which was why she recommended it. The place they were seated happened to be her favourite place to sit. She decided not to say anything about that. He must have done his own research about the restaurant.
Bolaji raised his brows as he looked at her. ‘’ You visit this place often?’’ Mr Bolaji asked.
‘’ I come here occasionally. They provide one of the best food in the city and it has one the best scenery.’’ She finished, gesturing to the city outside the window. His eyes followed her hand to glance out. For that brief moment he wasn’t looking, she studied his calm handsome face. He was looking really breath-taking.
‘’ Yeah, you are right. It does.’’ He said a little dreamily. She quickly looked at her menu before he catches her gawking at him. He picked up his menu and began to look through it. After a while, they both put down what they wanted and the waiter came to pick them up.
While they were waiting for their order, Samantha decided to start talking about what the date was about. ‘’ I understand you are very curious why we are here on a business date and not actually meeting up officially.’’
Bolaji leaned back in his chair ‘’ Yeah, I’m indeed curious and I suppose you are going to enlighten me.’’
‘’ Yes,’’ she replied ‘’ I want to interest you in a proposal but it’s something you can think on and give an answer to later.’’ 
Samantha studied him to check his reaction to what she said but his expression did not change, he was waiting for her to finish up what she was saying. So, she continued ‘’ I believe you are the one making the decisions in the company, and I would like to know your thought on the feasibility of the proposal. If possible, I want you to think about it without running it through your board of directors first.’’
Now, he was really looking at her with burning curiosity as his left brow tilted up slightly. She was trying all these meetings whilst divulging as little of their company’s situation as possible. After all, companies would either not even consider entering a deal with them if they consider them a sinking ship or try to take advantage of their circumstance. They have been successful thus far in keeping the information from going out but it was just a matter of time. ‘’ I can do that.’’ he said after a short while.
Their food was served and she waited until they finished eating before she continued talking. Decisions were better made on a full stomach and she didn’t know whether he has had anything to eat.
‘’ That was very delicious.’’ Bolaji Oladele commented after he finished eating. ‘’ I might have to make this place my regular.’’
She could tell he was seriously considering that. She smiled at that thought, whether or not he decides to go through with the deal, she might have a chance of bumping into him. Seeing as they were done eating, Samantha began highlighting her proposal to him.
She had done a little research of her own about the situation of their company. The CEO of the Antares enterprise had left most decision making up to the twenty nine year old Director. The CEO himself was getting advanced in age so he wasn’t getting all that involved in the company’s business. He has a daughter he had with his late wife. From what Samantha heard, the daughter doesn’t seem interested in taking over the company. And from what she deducted herself, this man in front of her seems to be deeply trusted by the CEO, and he will likely be future head of the company. Her proposal might be a little outlandish but depending on how good she pitched it and how he feels about it, she just might have a deal later. There wasn’t that much reason why she would be rejected, since they were still a respectable and stable company to the outside world. But then again, her previous encounters had proved otherwise.
The Antares Company was expanding rapidly into construction business and although they’ve had business with them in the past, it wasn’t all that much. The problem was getting him to agree with her because there is a building material company they seem to have been in touch with. Her company had a lot of competition and they have been managing to get a one up on her company. She highlighted the key point of her proposal, she also made a point about entering long term partnership with their company. He listened intently to her and she could see he was already thinking about it. After some time, she finished talking and waited for him to say something.
‘’ Those are some tough terms that needs to be looked into. As you already know, we are already in the process of making deals with the regular company that supplies us.’’ He breathed out finally.
Samantha already knew that, this was all to know how he feels about making deals with them. He didn’t seem so against the idea, just needed to check things about it. She was reassured, the other company she had business meetings with kinda gave a cold shoulder from the start. The ones she contacted haven’t returned calls too. She was starting to think what was happening to them wasn’t normal, she just haven’t figured out what. This date gave her a form of relieve and hope about their future.
‘’ Certainly, this was just to give you a chance think about it. The proposal can revised to fit both our interests.’’ She assured him.
‘’ Alright then, I will look into the feasibility of the proposal.’’ He said.
‘’ I will have my secretary send the document to you so you can go through It.’’ Samantha said smiling at him.  

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