2. The Outlander Who Caught The Wind

Start from the beginning

"Paimon's not sure whether the god you're looking for is the Anemo God, but... Paimon'll take you to the Anemo God's place first, and there's a reason why~" Paimon said as she stopped before starting again as she flew on the path.

"As we all know, poetry and language flow like the wind...

"There'll definitely be someone there who knows about your sister. At least, that's what Paimon thinks! Whether the gods actually answer you is a different story. You never know unless you try. So, let's hop to it!" Paimon said with a smile as she turned to him as he nodded to her.

They soon reached the edge of the lake after running for sometime as they looked at it.

"Looks like I will have to swin now." Aether said as he looked at the water.

"Yeah. But don't worry the water isn't that deep so Paimon is sure you will be fine. Paimon will go to the land." Paimon said to him before she floated to the statue.

Aether shrugged at her words before he jumped forward as he crossed a good distance before splashing into the water as her quickly swam to the land and walked on it as Paimon watched. He looked at himself as he was drenched but he just shrugged before he walked to her.

"This is a Statue of the Seven." Aether said as he looked at it with Paimon.

"Yeah. Why don't you try touching it?" Paimon said after she looked at it.

"Sure. Why not." Aether said as he walked to the statue.

He stood in front of it and looked at it before he placed his hand on it. The star shape in front of him glowed alongside the little gem like accesories before he looked up and saw the orb in the hand of the statue lighting up in a teal colour.

He and Paimon looked at it as an orb on teal colour with the symbol of Anemo in it flew out of the statue's orb and flew into Aether as he felt it enter him. His eyes widened as he felt a new power inside of him as winds were generated around him. His outfit gained the same teal colour at the gem like parts alongside his earring as he looked at himself.

"Ooh! Did you just feel the elements of the world? Seems all you had to do was just touch the statue and you got the power of Anemo!" Paimon said shocked as she smiled at him.

"Sure looks like it. It does feel nice though." Aether said as he looked at himself.

"As much as they may want it, people in this world can never get a hold of powers as easily as you..." Paimon said to him as he looked at her.

"I think I know why, it's because..." Aether said as he already has an idea about it.

"Ah-ha, it's because you're not from this world to begin with." Paimon said with a triumphant laugh.

"This can't be good..." Aether said with a sheepish smile.

"It's a bit rude to say that about the power the gods just gave you!" Paimon chided him as she looked at him.

'Mayhe it is. But I will decide if the Gods of this world are actually worthy of respect. If they turn out like Radagon and Marika then they won't get an ounce from me.' Aether thought to himself as he nodded to her.

"If we keep heading west from here, we'll eventually reach Mondstadt, the City of Freedom. Mondstadt is the city of wind, because they worship the God of Anemo. So perhaps, because you got power from the God of Anemo, you can find some clues there." Paimon said to him as he looked at the city in the distance.

He narrowed his eyes as he was able to see the city as he saw windmills, large walls, guards etc as he hummed at it.

"There are also lots of bards there, so perhaps one of them has heard news of your." Paimon said as Aether nodded as it is a good idea.

"That's a good idea. Let's go then." Aether said as Paimon nodded to him.

"Okay. The elements in this world responded to your prayers and Paimon thinks that's a lovely sign." Paimon said with a smile.

But then their attention was taken by some Pyro slimes coming towards them as they looked at them. Aether had learned about this world's slimes from Paimon as he looked at it as Paimon shrieked a bit and hid behind him.

"Slimes! Aether, please take care of them." Paimon said as she peeked from behind him.

"Got it Paimon." Aether said with a chuckle before he summoned the dull blade.

He looked at the sword, he had gotten it after he opened a chest he had found before he got Paimon. He looked at the Slimes as they were hopping towards him as he smirked.

He dashed forward towards them and slashed in front of him as a blade of wind shot from his sword and hit the slimes sending them back. He raised his left hand and gathered wind as Anemo condensed in his left palm as it pulled the slimes towards him.

"Palm Vortex!" Aether shouted as he shot Anemo forward.

The blast destroyed the smaller slimes while sending the larger ones further back. But he jumped into the air as their looked at him.

"Gust Surge!" Aether shouted again as he swung his blade.

A twister formed in front of him as it moved forward and grabbed the both of the slimes in it as it turned into a Pyro twister as he watched it before he gathered Anemo around his sword before he thrust it forward.

"Vortex Strike!" Aether shouted as the wind shot forward like a lance and hit the slimes.

The slimes got destroyed leaving only their condensate as he looked at them before he gathered it. After that he turned and walked to Paimon as she smiled at him.

"These are the Anemo powers you got from the Statue of The Seven. Aww... Paimon's so jealous! Why doesn't Paimon get cool fighting powers!?" Paimon said before she whined causing Aether to chuckle at her.

"It's alright Paimon. You can fly without wings. That is a cool power." Aether said to her with a smile.

"Well, Paimon guess it is hehe. But still, you are able to fight enemies you know. And Paimon can't." Paimon said to him as she giggled a bit before saying her piece.

"Well, I can't do anything about that." Aether said with a shrug before he walked to the edge and jumped.

"Wah! Hey! Don't leave Paimon alone!" Paimon said as she stomped the air before she floated after him.

He swam to the edge of the lake and walked out of it as Paimon followed him. He smirked at her as she pouted at him as he chuckled. Paimon just shook her head at that and looked at him.

"Let's just go. Paimon can't wait to get to the city." Paimon said to him as she smiled.

"Sure Paimon. Let's go." Aether said with a nod.

Then the two walked away from the lake and statue towards their next destination.

'Anemo is Wind. And there are Seven elements and Archons. Which means that I can also gain the powers of the Seven elements after going to each nation. That's something to look forward to.' Aether thought to himself as he smiled while he walked beside Paimon.

End Chapter

That's it for this chapter and I think I did good for this one.

What kind of powers and skills do you think Aether has from his journey and what kind of world's did he go to before coming to Teyvat? I would like to know what you guys think so do tell it in the comments.

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Until we meet again.

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