Panick Attack

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I'm all fine my appartment had come now, I will take a leave- I said and then left from Anurag's car.

I didn't turned back because I don't know how to face him.

I quickly unlocked my apartment's door and went inside then I was about to close the door but someone put his foot in between.

I don't know who it was but it was the same way my husband used to do. The way this thought hit my mind I tried to lock the door but the person outside was more powerful he didn't let the door being locked . I then just leave the door  and ran inside because I was freaking out , I was scared it must be him maybe he find out where I am . Now he will beat me .All this thought made tears came out of my eyes.

I just ran inside and hide behind the sofa curling up in a ball.

I.. I'm sorry please d..don't - I said hearing the footsteps coming closer to me

I..I won't that again , p.. please forgive I was just crying and sobbing

I was just closing my eyes shut the whole time, suddenly I felt a hand on my head.I moved backward please I won't run away again please  p.. ple- I was cutted off

Aditi - it was a familiar voice

Aditi stop crying it's me anurag- the voice came
I looked upward and it was really him. Without wasting any seconds I hugged him

P.. please don't go away, stay with me, save me- I was crying in his arms cause they felt safe

He will b.. beat me , don't go p.. please - I was saying and I don't know when I fall asleep in his arms then and there only.


I wake up feeling a headache .I was in my bed room and it was morning I look at the time it was 7:00 a m

Oh my god I'm late for office. But then it suddenly hit me what happened last night, how I had panick attack and feeling asleep in Anurag's arms.

Was he here whole ni...

My thoughts were interupted when the door of my bed room open and anurag was there with food plate in hands.

Was he here all night.

I looked at him, he didn't uttered a word ,his face showed no emotions. Was he disappointed.Ugh I screwed up.

O.. Office - I stuttered

But he gave me a death glare.

What , why ? Won't he appoint me now why did he go mad at the mention of office

He took a chair and sat in front of my bed.

He forwarded the food plate but I haven't brushed my teeth. But the look on his face won't allow me to reject the food

Without uttering any other word . I took the plate from his hand and started eating since I was hungry because I haven't eaten anything after the lunch of canteen yesterday. While eating I can feel his cold gaze on me but I was also troubled about what will I say to him if he'll ask me about yesterday night.

Finally the food come to end . I kept the plate on the desk beside my bed. Now I don't know what to do he was looking at me without any blink what should I do now so I was just looking down.

What happened after I left Delhi?- He finally said something

A...After you left? What will happen I..I completed my studies .What else?- I said trying to avoid any conversation regarding my miseries

Bella  don't act like you don't know what I'm talking about - anurag said in calm tone

I really do...- I was cutted off

Stop lying aditi , I know you ran away from Delhi and what are those marks on your hands , foots , neck and collarbones. I know there are marks on other parts of your body too. Were you being abused . Tell me and dare to lie this time , I'll show you the worst side of me - he said holding me by my arms.

I...I I can't tell you, I'm ... I'm  sorry - That was what I managed to reply

So you won't listen to me, right?- He said standing straight folding his arms across his chest

I was just looking down at my fingers and suddenly I felt myself being lifted and within seconds he lifted me in bridal style and marched out of my apartment.

Hey wait , What are you doing?- I struggled in his grip but he was more powerful

I already warned you, Bella- he said and put me inside his car

Driver lock the door and quickly head towards Khurana Mansion - he said holding me firmly in his tight grip

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