Wtr pruifier

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SO theres a Water purifier in our school on the Corridor of S2 and nobody bothers about its existance, everone rushes to the purifier in the ground and its almost rush all the time so, me being very intellectual takes water from that prufier on the Corridor. 

And One day while I was filling my bottle nichu called from below and said " IT HAS FUNGUS" and right there on the visible region of tube like structure I saw molds and dirt filled pipe. The next second I was watering the plants with the water I filled. 

From the very biginning I was a loyal customer of that purifier and we have barely a month left now to leave school. The fact that now I have a low immunity cannot exclude the possiblity of a result of drinking this water. 

Straight home I called the School leader, Rasmiya and she took it in her hands. 

So I thought .

Yesterday there were some water shortage and for some reason this water purifier has a goodconnection of water supply, it never runs out . I witnessed a bunch of juniors grouping around the purifier to fill their bottles and I creamed " IT HAS FUNGUS AND MOLD" ,but for some  thirst>>>>>health .

So today I drafter a letter, a formal letter to Principal . And Our Principal must be the most not so formal person in our school with the highest position. After the bell rang to get into our respected examination halls I went to office carrying this letter folded twice, I saw sir and teachers were surrounded around him , he quickly gave his attention to me and enquired about my arrival and I pointed at the purifier straight from the office and delivered my concern and with no time lag he told " oh I see, I will ask Yunus to cut the line" thats it , thats all he wants but, I still gave the letter the I drafted so hard. 

I felt really happy and had an accomplished feeling after that and went straight to my hall. Today the roll number was split between 1-37 in H1 class and 38-55 in S2. Im roll number 36 and rest of them are 37> . 

Today I had actually brought an Apple, but the numb feeling and shock I felt from seeing the Math Question paper made me a walking doll . I walked all the way to the Markaz stop in a haze .The shock of reality that the Q paper showed still wavering down my spine .Liya was really hungry today , Icould've given her that Apple, later I thought.

Haifa had some print to take and we were all goofing around the photostat shop at the bustop ,now Liya Hisan and HAifa was on a big play of heisting my pencil and I was not ready to leave my brand new blue/silver stripped pencile .And amidst that process the shopkeeper commented "She could leave her phone somewhere but wont leave a 5rupee pencil?" , Man had only one job. 

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