The Potter-Black charm

Start from the beginning

"Harry? Is that you, my dear?" The witch's face lit up with joy as she spotted the teenager. She ran around the table and embraced him tightly. She was happy to see that he was now fit and healthy, with no visible bones sticking out of his body. However, she was taken aback by the sight of his muscular physique, which was a stark contrast to his previously skinny frame. Once she pulled back, she was struck by the height difference between them as she now only came up to his chest.

"You look so handsome! Oh, look at you" Hadrian chuckled and much to everyone's shock, he bent down and placed an affectionate kiss on her forehead. Those who knew Hadrian the most were well aware that he never showed much affection to others due to his less-than-loving upbringing but it seems that his physical look wasn't the only thing that changed.

"It's good to see you, mama-" A cheeky smile appeared on his face the moment he saw her eyes light up at the new title. "But do you know what I desperately want right now? Some of your special vegetable and chicken soup"

Molly reached up and cupped his cheeks in her hands, a watery smile on her face and had to hold back her laughter at the dramatic puppy dog eyes the teenager was giving her. Of course, others around the room didn't seem as inclined to hold back their amusement and laughed at his behaviour.

"Of course, sweetie. The others are upstairs but I assume you'd like to catch up with your godfather" Hadrian nodded, glancing over at his blood-adopted father who was standing beside Remus, watching his interaction with Molly in amusement. "Well then, do sit down and dinner shall be ready soon"

Hadrian took the seat to Sirius' right, which was traditionally the place for the heir whilst his god-father sat where the head of the family was often seen. Remus, being the closest friend of Sirius', took his left. Getting comfortable, Hadrian shrugged off his leather jacket and instantly, the chatter in the room died down. He looked up and raised an eyebrow at the wide-eyed looks he was receiving from everyone in the room.

"Harry James Potter! Are those tattoos?" Molly gasped her hand over her mouth at the sight of the fifteen-year-old covered in designs.

"Actually, it's Hadrian Potter-Black but Harry is fine, mama and yes, these are tattoos. Look, I've even got one of the burrow!" Molly's eyes softened slightly as Hadrian raised his short sleeve, revealing a detailed design of the Weasley home.

"Oh... oh it's beautiful" She sobbed as she moved forward to inspect it closer, not noticing the wink Hadrian sent to Sirius and Remus.

Their attention was suddenly drawn to the numerous pairs of feet coming from the stairs, followed by whispers. First entered the twins, who were too busy in conversation to notice Hadrian and they were followed closely by Ron and Ginny, the two stopping abruptly at the door at the sight of him.

"Hey mate - Ginny" Hadrian greeted with a smile, letting out a chuckle when Molly swatted them across the back of their heads which snapped them out of their frozen state.

"Bloody hell, Harry! What happened to you?"

"Did someone say, Har-" Hadrian's heart started racing at the sight of the witch who never seemed to leave his mind. She appeared even more beautiful than the last time he saw her, which he didn't think was possible. Her wild hair had transformed into large brown curls, and her skin had a sun-kissed tone that highlighted the freckles on her cheeks and nose. His gaze subtly scanned her figure, noticing how much more mature it had become with its evident curves.

"Hello, love" His husky voice caught her by surprise and she grew flustered by the intense look he was giving her. Hadrian slowly stood from his seat, chuckling when his friend's eyes widened at the height he now stood and he opened his tattooed arms whilst keeping his attention firmly on Hermione.

"Oh, Harry!" She immediately rushed into his arms, gasping slightly at the muscles that pressed against her body. Hadrian's arm wrapped around her waist, holding her against him while his other hand held her head against his chest. "I missed you"

"I missed you too, Mione" She raised her head slightly to look up at him, her chin lying against his hard chest before something caught his attention.

"Harry! Are those tattoos?" Hadrian let out a deep chuckle, sending a pleasant chill down her spine and pulled back, their bodies remaining close but far enough for her to examine the art.

She looked at his arms and neck, examining each tattoo with fascination. Her eyes widened when she saw an open book tattooed on the side of his neck, with a beautiful quote written on the pages. She looked up at Harry and saw satisfaction and understanding in his green eyes.

"I-is that-"

"Yeah-" he breathed out a slight chuckle. "I got it for you" Hadrian watched curiously as her cheeks took a pink tint and her eyes watered as she stared at the tattoo.

"Come on dears, food is ready!"

Conversation flowed easily around the dinner table with questions mostly aimed at Hadrian, desperate for answers on his huge transformation. Hadrian answered each one with subtle responses, deciding not to dive into the information he had found in Gringotts until he had a proper conversation with his Padfoot and Moony.

"Hadrian, you have a trial in a few days. Dumbledore was able to stop them from any further action until you can defend yourself" Nymphadora Tonks spoke out from her seat beside Remus, her pink shoulder-length hair slowly transforming into a blue and purple tone. Nymphadora, commonly referred to as Tonks was an Auror from the Black bloodline, whose mother had been disowned when she married a muggle-born.

"The ministry is a lot more useless than I first expected. If they checked their files, they'd realise what a mistake they are making" Hadrian scoffed before taking a spoonful of the delicious chicken and Veg soup.

"What do you mean, pup?"

"How can they accuse me of using underage magic when in the eyes of the wizarding world, I'm of age? I took up my position as head of my family, and I have been since the beginning of the summer. Not to worry, I've got a few choice words for Mr Fudge" The mischievous smirk on his face made a few of those around the table uneasy, but Remus, Sirius, and the twins - being the troublemakers that they are - found themselves both fascinated and amused.

"Harry! Please Don't antagonize him, he's already got the prophet writing terrible lies about you, we do not need him to make it worse!" Sirius and Remus exchanged knowing looks as they noticed the warm and awed expression on Hadrian's face, it was as though the teenage wizard was in a trance whenever the muggle-born was around. It was rather nostalgic for the pair since they had seen an identical look on James Potter's face whenever he saw Lily.

"Of course, darling. I will behave," he said with a grin, causing Hermione to become flustered by the pet names he was using. Neither of them noticed the jealous glares directed at them by the two youngest Weasleys, although the twins certainly did and exchanged a look indicating they would prevent their siblings from causing any trouble.

"He's got the black charm"

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