69. It goes against the will

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On the third day of the Lunar New Year in the sixth year of Yuanxi, there was snow all over the sky.

Although the civil and military officials sealed the seal on the twentieth day of the twelfth lunar month last year, it was not opened until the twentieth day of the first lunar month this year.

However, the various departments of the Ministry of Internal Affairs that are responsible for the affairs of the palace are open all year round.

Song Pin, the head of the Construction Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, sneered when the Queen Mother summoned him for questioning.

This Song Pin is the nephew of Song Cen, one of the ministers in charge of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Now that he is nearly 40 years old, he is still the head of the charcoal warehouse.

It's not that he has no ambition, it's just that there is too much oil and water in the charcoal warehouse.

The raw materials for burning red charcoal are limited to Qingxin wood, white jujube wood and dendrobium wood. Except for these three trees, other trees cannot be burned into red radish charcoal.

Therefore, the price of red radish charcoal is high, dozens of times that of ordinary black charcoal.

Counting back to the Yongfeng period, there were many harem masters. It was common to supply tens of thousands of kilograms of red radish charcoal every day in winter, and the profits that could be embezzled were huge.

It has been six years since the current emperor took the throne, and he has only one concubine, Queen Kang.

Even if the Queen used several times the amount of red radish charcoal, it would still not be much.

Song Pin did not dare to falsely report thousands of kilograms of charcoal every day as before, but it was still several hundred kilograms higher than the actual amount of charcoal used in the palace.

As soon as he entered the palace, he felt that even the outer palace of Luhua Palace was as warm as spring. Song Pin's eyes lit up and he immediately had an idea in his mind.

"I am here to see you, the empress. She is a thousand years old." Before Song Pin could see the person clearly, he immediately knelt down and bowed in a polite manner.

Kang Yuyi, with a pregnant belly of more than seven months, was supported by Qingzhu and Zisu and walked out to the outer hall to receive foreign guests.

After Kang Yuyi slowly sat down on the main seat directly above her, she said lightly that she would not be polite.

"I wonder why the empress summoned the ministers here at the beginning of the new year?" Although Song Pin didn't care about the queen in his heart, he honestly lowered his eyes and did not dare to look directly at her.

After all, this is a person who has been favored by the current Holy Emperor who is very strict in self-discipline and not close to women for nearly eight years!

Kang Yuyi coughed lightly and tried hard to lift the shelf.

"I took a closer look at the palace's accounts today and found that the amount of Hongluotan seems to be wrong." She deliberately lowered her sweet voice.

Song Pin hurriedly handed over his hand, pretending to be respectful and said: "Your Majesty, your humble minister Zi Yongfeng has been in charge of the construction of the charcoal warehouse. Over the years, he has been working hard and cautiously and never dared to make any mistakes!" "

I don't know, your Majesty, this red charcoal has always been good. It was doubled several times to supply Luhua Palace and Renshou Palace, and there is absolutely no error in the accounts!"

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