Chapter 1: Sudden Intrusion

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Love is a most disagreeable and challenging aspect of life at times. It can either make your life happy with the one you share it with, or it can be painful in the most unexpecting and dreadful ways. I myself learned that the hard way.

I am Princess Kai, the sole ruler of the grand kingdom of Morado, and I am engaged to Prince Antonio of a kingdom in the west. I strive to eventually become a successful, strong, and influential queen or empress in the future, and retain the love of my people. I pride myself with my kingdom's richness in literature, knowledge, crafts, and fashion; only the best influences from neighboring lands contribute to my kingdom's vast and rich culture.

All was well in the castle until one day, when I overheard my ladies in waiting talking about my husband-to-be spending extra time with a girl outside. I was approaching my room when I heard them talking about it inside.

"Can you believe that man would betray our Great Princess for such a lowborn?"

"Not in the least! Why, she's even as fat as a pig! A complete downgrade!"

"But are you sure that the attendant's words are true? He could be mistaken."

"Indeed, his words must be true, for there are a few others saying the exact same thing. Why, even the girl's description from them aligns with what the attendant told us."

"Yes, but they could very well just be repeating those things simply because the attendant also told them."

Upon hearing those words, I suddenly entered the room to the surprise of my ladies in waiting.

"Oh! Your Royal Highness! Would you like a bath? Or how about some tea, Your Highness?"

"...Some tea would be nice."

"Yes, right away, Your Highness."

As one of my ladies in waiting went off to prepare tea, I took a seat in my favorite chair and asked another to brush my hair. But the room became awkwardly quiet.

"May I ask what's bothering all of you today?" I asked.

The lady in waiting who was brushing my hair, Lily, answered with apparent hesitation in her voice.

"Well, it's nothing for us to worry Your Highness with."

"Hmm...Would it so happen to be about the matter of the prince spending extra time with a girl from outside the castle?"

At this, Lily froze and looked over at my other lady in waiting, Ana, who said, "We greatly apologize, Your Highness. But we just couldn't hold our indignation in after hearing of such news. Moreover, we didn't want to worry Your Highness with this."

"It is alright. In fact, tell me more about this girl. What is she like?"

When I asked that question, my third lady in waiting reentered the room, wheeling in a table with tea towards me. Afterwards she immediately poured a cup and handed it to me.

"Thank you, Helen."

"You're welcome, Your Highness."

Helen then did a curtsy. When she looked up, she noticed the faces of Ana and Lily.

"Why do you both look like that?" she asked.

"Well, we were just discussing the matter of the prince spending time with that girl with Her Highness," answered Ana.

Helen darted her eyes towards me, a look of panic and concern on her face.

"It's really ok. I was just asking them what kind of girl she was, actually. What do you think of her?"

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