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Dia melambaikan tangannya sambil berlari dengan laju menuju ke arah Amy Wilton yang sedang duduk diatas batu di tepi pantai itu.

Dan akhirnya dia sampai di batu berkenaan. Dia melepaskan lelah seketika sebelum dia duduk disebelah Amy Wilton diatas batu besar itu.

Eve Aurora melirik ke arah Amy Wilton yang kelihatannya masih marah kepadanya.

"I'm sorry, Amy. I didn't mean to lie to you."

Amy Wilton diam.

"After Miss Matilda slapped me, I went to the beach. And I coincidentally met Ryeo. We talked, and I told him that I missed my family, so he hugged me."

"Huh! That's it?." Soal Amy Wilton ragu-ragu.



"See it, Amy! The way you're responding to me? That's why I'm not telling you or anyone about this." Rajuk Eve Aurora.

Gadis itu menoleh ke arahnya dengan senyuman.

"I'm not mad at you because you slept with him at the beach, but I'm mad at you because you're lying to me, Aurora."

"Yes. I admit I was wrong. I shouldn't lied to you at the first place. I'm sorry, please?."

Amy Wilton tersenyum.

"Alright! But please don't do that again." Pesan Amy Wilton.

"Aye aye captain!."

Mereka berdua berpelukkan sambil ketawa gembira.

Tidak jauh dari tempat mereka sedang duduk, Ryeo Matthias sedang memerhatikan mereka berdua yang sedang berpelukkan itu, sambil menghembuskan asap rokok yang dihisapnya.

"Womens." Dia tertawa.

"So, tell me. How it feels sleeping the next to him?." Usik Amy Wilton nakal.

"Amy!." Eve Aurora mencubit paha kanan Amy Wilton.

"Auch! It's hurt, Aurora!."

"Serves you right, Amy!." Amy Wilton menggosok bekas cubitan Eve Aurora itu.

"It's hurt, Aurora." Adu Amy Wilton.

"Oh, really? I'm sorry." Pujuk Eve Aurora sambil mengusap lembut paha Amy Wilton itu.

Mereka berdua saling berpandangan lalu ketawa.

"I demand your explanation, Aurora."

"About what?."

"About you and Ryeo, of course."

Eve Aurora ketawa.

"There's nothing happened between us, Amy. And... there's nothing happened last night."

"Nothing happened? Just cuddled until the morning? Oh, so sweet." Usik Amy Wilton sambil ketawa nakal.


"... Alright. I will stop laughing. You made my day, Aurora."

Mereka berdua memandang ke arah laut. Angin bertiup kencang.



"I want to tell you about something."

"What?! What is it? Tell me now!." Eve Aurora ketawa melihat gaya tidak sabar Amy Wilton yang sedang memandang tepat matanya.

"Stop it, Amy...!."

REBIRTH | Cजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें