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"We're dead! We're so dead!." Jerit Caroline yang tiba-tiba muncul dari dapur hotel itu.

"Why? W-what happen, Caroline?."

"Fuh.. Our guest requested French meals, Amy!."

"... And our new chef?."

"He's absence today."

"What?! Oh no!." Jerit Amy Wilton.

"Then, what should I do now, Amy? I didn't know how to cook French meals."

"Let me think about it, Caroline. Just a second." Tiba-tiba matanya terpandangkan Eve Aurora yang sedang menolak trolley keluar dari dalam lif.

"Aurora!." Jerit Amy Wilton sambil melambaikan tangannya ke arah gadis itu.

Eve Aurora menoleh ke arah mereka berdua lalu tersenyum. Tanpa melengahkan masanya lagi, Eve Aurora menolak dan meletakkan trolley ke satu sudut. Kemudiannya, dia berjalan ke arah Amy Wilton dan Caroline sambil tersenyum.

"Hi ladies." Sapanya dengan mesra.

Eve Aurora melihat wajah ridau kedua-dua mereka.

"What's wrong, Amy, Caroline? Something happens?."


"Aurora, we need someone who can cook French meals. Do you know someone who knows how to cook French meals or do you know how to cook it?." Soal Amy Wilton.

"Me? Cook French meals? Never. Hurm.. someone?." Eve Aurora berfikir.

"Oh no! What are we gonna do now, Aurora?." Caroline menyoal dengan nada risau.

Tiba-tiba sahaja kakak iparnya facetime.

"Just a second, ladies."

"Your face looks so worried. What's wrong? Is everything okay?." Soal Lea Heloise Angel.

"No, Sister. I'm not okay. We're looking for French chef. Our guest requested for it."

"Our chef?."

"He's absence today. Now, what should I do, Sister? I didn't know how to cook French meals and I don't know who can cook it."

Lea Heloise Angel tersenyum.

"But I know someone who can cook French meals. And he's a chef from Paris."

"Really? Who is he? I have to find him right now!."

"You know him, Eve. Carlisle Reith!." Jawab Lea Heloise Angel tersenyum.

"W-what? Carl?."


"Wow! Amazing! Thank you, Sister! You saved me and the hotel!."

"Most welcome. Good luck, Aunty Eve!."

"Thanks sister!."

Dengan pantasnya, dia berlari menuju ke arah lift untuk pergi ke bilik lelaki itu. Semoga lelaki itu ingin membantunya. Amy Wilton tersenyum sambil memandang ke arah Eve Aurora, dia yakin gadis itu pasti dapat mencari jalan penyelesaiannya.

"Where did she go, Amy?." Soal Caroline.

Amy Wilton tersenyum.

"Don't worry. I'm pretty sure she has the solution right now. Be patient, Caroline."


Pintu bilik itu diketuk beberapa kali.

"Please, Brother Carl. Please open the door. I'm so desperately need your help." Ngomel Eve Aurora.

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