No Plans - Billy Hargrove Part #3

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Part #3 (3/3)

Billy x Fem!Reader Harrington

Steve x Fel!Sister!Reader

Warnings: Stranger Things, none

Word count: 1,787

Summary: Now that the Christmas Eve at the Mayfield/Hargrove home obligation was fulfilled, it's time for Billy to experience Christmas at the Harringtons.

Authors Note: Finale part 3! Here it is everyone! Enjoy! Merry Christmas & Happy Holiday's!

"What are you doing?" Y/n asked Billy as he took a pillow and blanket off of her bed and set them up on the floor in a makeshift bed.

"Anyone could walk in-" Billy started to answer, gesturing to the door. Billy normally would sleep in the bed with Y/n. But with how many people were staying in the house he didn't want to set a bad example for himself to her family. But Y/n stopped him.

"Stop, Billy. You are sleeping in my bed with me. That's finale. Just keep your clothes on and if someone comes in we'll be good." Y/n stated picking up the blanket and pillow off the floor shaking them out and placing them back on the bed, before she got undressed to put on her pj's.

"Just don't want to make a bad impression." Billy told her, watching the door apprehensively.

"Billy, why do you care what my family thinks of you so much?" Y/n asked him sitting on her bed watching him change into his own pj's. Great view Y/n thought in her head.

"I don't plan on letting you go so it'd be nice if your family liked me." Billy stated moving onto the bed sitting next to her. He never cared about what parent's thought of him before now. There was more at stake with y/n in Billys mind.

Y/n hated how he felt the need to get her parents approval. She means sure if he were to act like the Billy around town then they'd probably hate him, but she hated how he felt he needed to be not himself to impress her family.

Y/n sighed reaching out to hold his hands in hers before explaining something she felt was very important for him to hear. "Oh Billy. You don't have to do that. I don't care if they like you, because I don't care what they think. I'm glad you're here because it'll make this holiday bearable. My parents like you Billy and it drives my brother nut's. Normally our parents are always gone so we celebrate by ourselves Steve and me. Sometimes we invite friends over to celebrate with us. Like the kids Max hangs out with, Nancy, Robin, Johnathan, I could go on. That's honestly the way I prefer it. Just Steve, me and the people we consider family. Like you."

The only person Y/n wished liked Billy was her brother, but she knew there were a lot of reasons on both sides why they didn't get along.

"Why are they here hosting them?" He asked her with an inquisitive look. He was confused if they were never really around. Why were they hosting all their family this christmas?

"It's their turn this year. Trust me they weren't happy about it." Y/n let out a sarcastic laugh remembering how upset her parents were to have to cancel their vacation plans. Y/n snuggled up into Billys side as they repositioned themselves to lay down under her covers getting ready to sleep. "I'm just glad you're here. I couldn't imagine doing this without you."

Billy pulled her as close as she could possibly be to him, kissing the top of her head. "I'm not leaving. Promise."

^ ^ ^

"Y/n! Y/n! Y/n!" The kids came barging into her bedroom screaming her name. Effectively waking her and Billy out of their peaceful sleep.

"Hmmmm, what?" Y/n asked in a very tired, sleepy voice opening her eyes to look at them.

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