Your To Important To Me - Billy Hargrove

Start from the beginning

While Billy was thinking that Y/n was thanking her mom for the t.v. in her room, because Billy was distracted and didn't notice Steve was the one that dropped her off. That didn't need to be brought up at all right now.

"Uh, yeah. It was an emergency." Y/n answered not really knowing how to answer. So she distracted herself by stripping off her jacket and then her shoes.

Suddenly Billy reached forward and grabbed her hand, gently pulling her closer. "What's on your arm?"

'Fuck' Y/n thought. Moving her arm so much must have added pressure and pushed more blood out. Y/n thought she felt a tareing sensation. It was her blood wetting the goz. "Uh- bandages?"

Billy gave her a 'I'm not stupid' look, like 'no shit'. "Why are there bandages on your arm?"

Normally it was Y/n who patched up Billy. Billy had never seen her with an injury like this before, let alone one that was bleeding fresh blood.

"We had to go out into the woods, and I got hurt." It was the best she could explain it without also lying to him. Y/n hates lying to Billy, especially since he's been so truthful with her.

"What did you do to yourself?" Billy asked, trying to get a better look but Y/n pulled her arm away. This just made Billy's concern grow bigger. So Billy asked again, this time pleading with her. "Let me see your arm? Please?"

Y/n whipped her head to face him. "Hey! I got attached, I did not do this to myself."

Billy smirked a little at how he got the truth out of her so simply.

"Oh damn you, Hargrove." Y/n rolled her eyes at seeing his reaction. Damn him and knowing her so easily. But she also loved that about him. Y/n bit her lip trying to hold back her smile at what he could get out of her.

"Can I see your arm now?" he asked again, hoping she'll let him see and examine it.

Y/n let out a sigh moving to sit next to him on her bed. Sitting at an angle so he could look at her arm.

"Damn it." She let out a frustrated groan at seeing exactly how much blood had stained the goz. Now it is definitely gonna have to be changed before she went to bed. Y/n was hoping she wouldn't have to change it till the morning. Suddenly after looking at her arm Billy abruptly got up off the bed. Y/n followed him with her eyes confused. "Where are you going?"

Watching him leave the room filled her with worry. Was this to much for him? But after about 5 minutes he came back, entering her bedroom with ibuprofen, a coke, and had apparently dug through her bathroom for supplies to clean and change the bandages on her arm.

Y/n felt so heart warmed that he wanted to do this for her. But what if he changed his mind after actually seeing the wounds? Y/n knew it was just insecurities talking, Billy's seen, done, and possibly had close to worse. "Billy, I can do this later-"

"You help me all the time, especially with this kind of thing. Will you just let me help you, for a change?" Billy said, cutting her off, looking her in the eyes. He wanted to take care of her, in all ways. And not just as a 'returning the favor' kind of thing. Billy turly cares for Y/n, hell he'd go as far as to say he loves her. Having only ever loved one other person in his life (his mom), this was special to him in ways he had a hard time expressing.

"Thank you." Y/n smiled gratefully, dropping the whole 'don't need help' facade.

"You're welcome." Billy nodded, accepting her thanks.

"You know. I wish you'd let me in more so I could help you with other things." he hinted to how he'd like to know what caused her disappearances for hours and the injuries she gets.

Y/n would love to tell him about everything, the upside down and Hawkins lab. But she also didn't want to tell him. He had enough to worry about with his dad and she didn't want him to get hurt. But it also wasn't just her deasion. "If it was just my deascion you would be. An I'm trying. I really am but you haven't made the best impression on the kids, Steve, Nacy, and Johnathan. Or Hopper. And they all have says in who knows as well."

"What about Joyce?" Billy asked noticing that Y/n left out the older woman. Once he got the old goz off and started cleaning the blood off. Billy could see all the little puntucers, almost like teeth. But There were hundreds if not thousands. Billy couldn't think of anything that could cause this.

"She saw us on a date a few months ago and doesn't think you are how you seem. Which she is right." Y/n explained telling him with a shy smile. That had been an awkward conversation with the woman, but she was supportive of the relationship. Which was appreciated.

"I hate that you got hurt. Y/n, those looked like teeth punctures, but not from something normal." he sighed, trying not to show how worried it had indeed made him.

"I hate when you get hurt to." she stated before letting out a deep breath. Y/n knew that this conversation was going to happen at some point. She shook her head, biting her lip. "You wouldn't believe me if I told you what bit me."

Billy had to nod in agreement that he probably wouldn't believe it if he didn't see it with his own eyes. "Then let me see it."

Y/n's head shot up right and her eyes filled with shock and panic. "What? So you can get hurt or possibly killed to?! No!"

"Why won't you let me protect you?!" Billy questioned moving his focus to look her in the eyes, having finished wrapping her arm in new goz.

"You protect me plenty as it is." Y/n agured back.

"I want to protect you from this to! Obviously no one else is." Billy stressed, lifting his hand gesturing to her arm.

"You have no idea how much worse this." Y/n raised her injured arm looking him in the eyes. "Could have been if any of them weren't there. They do protect me."

Billy shook his head. "Not enough for me, they don't."


"I can't lose you. You're too important to me." he stated passionately, no longer yelling. Billy didn't have much, he never has. But he has Y/n, and he didn't plan on losing her, she means too much to him to let that happen.

Y/n took a shallow breath before scooting closer to Billy as the two sat on her bed, making it dip further. Y/n knew what Billy meant and she appreciated it. He means a lot to her too. She didn't want to lose him either. "You're important to me too."

"Let me be there next time. Then I have to be brought into the loop." Billy shrugged, picking up Y/n's none injured arms hand, intertwining their fingers. There had to be a way to let him into what was going on in the crappy town in Indiana.

"I don't want to lose you either, and that chance increases if you are brought into this!" Y/n stressed as much as she could using her eyes and tone of voice. They'd lost enough people due to the Upside down, its creatures and Hawkins lab.

"I don't plan on ever losing you or losing me." He stated leaning in, resting his forehead against Y/n's. "Besides, wouldn't it be safer for me to know so I can protect myself?"

Y/n sighed, he had a point. "I'll talk to them tomorrow. Okay? But I can't promise anything."

Billy nodded in understanding. "I'll find a way to protect you whether they say yes or not."

"I know you will." Y/n smiled, closing the gap with a kiss.

Yeah she'd talk with the others, but she knew it was gonna be a no. But she also knew that Billy wouldn't give up. Not on this, not when it comes to her being there with him forever. It was endearing, even if she was afraid he'd get hurt.

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