Chapter 1

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Ok so this is gonna start the day or two after the chaos, which means we are still 10 years ago and it will speed up and get to the better parts but for now here this goes!

Lily's p.o.v.

I woke up with a huge headache and I didn't feel like getting up. I was too distracted with my problems and I didn't remember or notice what was going on. I layed there for a few moments and then realized that someone was there. Don't ask me how I knew I could just feel it. I opened my eyes slowly and a bright light was shining into my eyes and I could see a tall figure standing there. There were also other people on the ground and what was weird was the ground was a cloud, not dirt or concrete. The man in front of me was blurry at first, but once my eyes started to adjust I could see him clearly. He had curly hair, muscle, some tattoos and some clothes on, luckily. We looked at each other for a few moments and I decided to get up. He had held out a hand for me and I blushed when I grabbed it. He had a good grip and his hands were soft...

"Hi, I saw you on the ground and I wanted to see if you were alright?"

"So you decided to check up on me and not anyone else?" I didn't mean to sound rude it's just out of everyone he helped me?

"Well, you see.. you were the closest one to me and you had a beautiful face that I just wanted to get a closer look." He said with a cheeky smile.

"Oh.. Uh yeah I'm ok thanks for checking up on me. Sorry if I sounded rude or anything." I said shyly. I wonder if he knows where we are at?

"Thanks for the apology, so do you know where we are?" he said, looking around.

" I was actually going to ask you the same question."

"I guess great minds think alike?" He said with a smirk.

"Yea... I guess." I blushed.

"Are you blushing? Thats cute.." He then smirked again.

"Well if you quit smirking and showing off your dimples maybe this wouldn't happen.." I said and started to regret it. Gosh Lily you know you want to see those dimples and that smirk.

"I think it is adorable, especially when you get quiet because you get nervous and act like you don't like it." Ok this guy has some flirting issues with me. Maybe he's a player or something?

"Ok stop, please. I mean I can't be into you. I haven't even gotten your name yet and I don't know anything about you." I said folding my arms.

"Well then miss smarty pants. My name is Harry Styles and you can find out more later if you know what I mean." Harry winked and then smirked. God why does he have to do this.

"Well hello Harry, my name is Lily and I happen to know that I don't know what you actually mean but I feel that this is not where I want to go..." I notice that Harry was staring in a direction, while I was talking, and I saw people walking together in a big crowd. I wonder why we're all here? And where are they all going?

"Will see about that. Come on let's get going everyone is going in a certain direction and I think we're suppose to go there too." Pulling me towards the crowd of people.

"But what if we are suppose to go in a different direction?" I try to change the direction. I never really like going into a big crowd. So I tried finding a different way instead.

"No I think we all are suppose to go in one direction."

"Fine then you can go in that direction and I'll go in this direction." I say with complete confidence, walking the opposite way of everyone.

"But, what if it's the wrong way? We are going to be lost and stuff and maybe there are some monsters out there something that can harm you." Sounding desperate of me leaving him. He thinks some scary things are going to keep me from where I'm going, HA.... I mean for somethings anyway.

"Oh well." I say continuing to my journey. I turn around after I walk for a few moments and I see Harry quickly coming in my direction.

"Ugh fine! Wait for me!" Harry is then at my side and makes a face.

"What is with the face?" I said with concern.

"It just... nothing."

"No tell me, please!" I said with a puppy face.

"Its, just I can't figure you out. I can usually tell what kind of person someone is in just a couple of seconds but your confusing. You started off shy, then stubborn, confident, and who knows what next!" I giggled with his rant of me. It was cute. "See there you go again except this time your giggly."

"What I can't have different emotions?"

"No you can it's just usually a person has one personality that only certain trait come together, but you have traits that a person wouldn't have together like shy and confident or giggly and stubbornness.."

"Well then maybe I am just different than everyone else."

"Yea I guess you are." We traveled for a couple of hours and I was starting to worry that we actually did go in the wrong direction. We were out in the middle of nowhere and what I mean by that is there is nothing but clouds beneath our feet and my feet started hurting and I think Harry was noticing. I tried to act like it didn't hurt by playing it off.

"So Harry.."


"Wanna race?"


"Why not? You afraid a girl is going to beat you?"

"No in fact I know I'm going to beat you no matter what." Harry said while looking at my feet without me noticing.

"Ok then let's do it then unless you're a chicken!"

"You know what fine, but we are going to make this into a bet then." Uh oh.

"Whoever wins gets to make the other person do something."



I pondered for a moment and I was thinking out all the pros and cons to this bet. There were many pros like he could go away, kiss me, take off his shirt, act like a puppy, etc. but there were also some cons that scared me like me dieing, exposed because I still don't know if I want to trust him yet, or he's going to leave me....

"Hey did you figure out if you want to do this bet yet?" Seeming impatient with my thought process. I knew my answer was going to affect me in a good or bad way so..

"Yes I will." Then we both shook hands and turned, facing the empty land. We searched for a landmark to show where the finishing line was but couldn't find one. Then I just thought of something. "Ok since there isn't anything here, how about we race," I then threw my shoes as far as I could forward," to my shoes and we can see who gets there first? But you're going to take off your shoes to since it isn't fair.

"Fair enough but I say go."

"Fine." We got into our starting positions and I was ready to win this. I was a pretty good runner in high school so I think I should be fine.

"Ok on go. 1....2....3...GO!" Then we both were off, but oh my gosh Harry could run. I mean he was like a freaking lightning bolt. I had lost so badly and I was kinda upset about it, I never liked losing to people.

"Ha! You should have seen your face when you saw me run."

"Haha very funny. Now what do you want me to do?" I was slightly concern.

"Let me carry you in my arms." Wait what!


"No buts come on." He held his arms out for me to jump in them and I did. They were so strong and he definitely had some muscles, if I were to say. He then started walking in the direction we were going.

"So why did you want to carry me?"

"Because your feet were hurting and you were acting like it was no big deal. So I was going to ask but I knew you wouldn't want to so I made your game into a bet so that you would have had to let me carry you." He said all big and proud. Dang he's smart...

These chapters will speed up I promise just give it a few more and it will get better I promise! Luv ya!

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