7 | Y/N | Home Early

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"I'm home!" You called out as you entered your house after being sent home early from work, taking off your shoes and placed them on the rack. The lack of response you received was out of the ordinary, and it prompted a spark of worry. 

You tug off your coat, hanging it up and doing the same to your hat, before you walk over to the kitchen. Now, you could hear the sound of shuffling and small footsteps. Looks like someone also came home early.

"Ada, if you're trying to scare me, try being less obvious." You call out teasingly, rounding the corner.

The little girl turned to look at you, standing on a chair with the cabinet open in front of her. Her eyes were wide, looking like a mouse that had been caught stealing cheese. Seems like her intention wasn't to scare you.

You snickered at her expression, going over to gently grip her by the waist, putting her down. "What are you trying to do?"

Your sister pouted, her hands rolling into small fists. "I wanna make a cake." She squirmed in your hands. She had been reaching for the chocolates still tucked in their wrapped on the top shelf.

Once you set her on the ground, she dove for the opportunity to hug your leg tightly.

A chuckle rumbled from your chest as you ruffled her hair, feeling touched by her proclamation. "And how's that going for you?" Looking around the kitchen, you spot a bowl on the dining table, filled with flour, the table full of the evidence too. Whatever way it was going... it was not going well.

Ada buried her face into your leg, whining. "Why did you come right now? Supposed to be a surprise!"

You couldn't resist smiling as you lift the girl into your arms, rubbing her back soothingly. "Sorry, sorry. I wanted to see my precious little sisters." You pepper kisses over her chubby face, a giggle escaping from Ada. 

She nuzzled into your shoulder. "You love me more than Hana." 

"I love you both equally--"

"No!" Ada pouted, her legs kicking. You placed her onto the counter in response. "You love me more."

"No kicking." You chide, grabbing her knees softly. "And I do love you. But it'd be unfair to say I love you more than my other little sister. Hana's your big sister too. I have enough love to share for all of you, m'kay?"

Your words comfort the girl, and she stops her restless actions. "I love you too, Rosie." She giggles out, her voice innocent and light.

She always called you 'Rosie' because during special events, you'd bake her a confectory rose, the petals sugary and a light pinkish colour. The name stuck and that was her go-to nickname for you, not that you were complaining.

It was a show of her affection, that and her grubby hands always clinging to you like a koala. 

"Aww, baby." You kissed her forehead.

From upstairs, footsteps bounded down, a voice calling out, "Y/N, is that you?"

Your other younger sister popped her head into the room, a bit of flour under her eyes. Hana stuck her tongue out at Ada teasingly, prompting the younger girl to stick hers out in retaliation. In her arm was a load of books, her cell phone balanced on top. 

"Oh, did I interrupt your studying?" 

Hana preferred asynchronous learning, her tutor reaching out to her through online meetings. Just two years ago, she used to go to public school just like you did, but for some reason, she didn't like it. It was most likely because of the people, since she started growing more nervous and self-conscious. 

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