5 | Kento | Macarons and Thoughts

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Kento followed the rules.

Rarely did he willingly break them, but now, as he sat at his cubicle, confronted with boring paperwork, he was willing to make an exception. Out of his out-of-character anticipation, he wanted to eat what he got from the bakery, his hand already halfway into the paper bag he had been given just 10 minutes ago.

The smell was still there, teasing him as he took a bite of his bread. The same bite he took every day. 

A few crumbs threatened to slip, but he had already placed a few napkins prior. He rathered preventing messes than cleaning them. After he finished devouring the bread, of which he savoured thoroughly, a glint of pink caught his eye from the bag.

Right. The macarons the bakery girl, Y/N, slipped in, courtesy of her intuition.

"Every day is an ok day. What makes this day different?" He took out a macaron, the same pink one, examining it. 

The crown had caved in easily, the normally smooth top of the dessert was ruined. Was that the only reason that batch was considered ruined? Kento found himself frowning. Even though it didn't look aesthetic, it smelled amazing. So what was the problem?

Raising the treat to his mouth, he was careful not to let any of the broken pieces fall. It wasn't bad, just a bland. He expected it to be more sugary, but the essence of other tones like almond and rosewater made up for it, and before he knew it, he reached for another macaron, having ended up eating all but one that were in the bag.

Just like he had suspected.


But before he could get out that last piece, a sudden arm swung over his shoulder, wrapping over him. A disgustingly warm breath at the back of his neck was enough to have him know just exactly who the culprit was. Kento suppressed an annoyed threat, not even giving his employer the courtesy of looking at him.

Fumihiko leaned right over the blond man with a sleazy smirk, eyeing his cubicle with a just as sleazy gaze. "Never figured you to be the troublemaker, Nanami. Eating on company time?"

Kento reached barely spared him a glance, but the employer didn't get the hint.

"Tsk tsk." He clicks his tongue, invading his personal boundary further by leaning closer. "It's alright. I'll forgive ya in exchange for this." And without asking, he took the last macaron, the paper bag crinkling as he dug his nasty hand down there.

The audacity of some people had to be studied for scientific purposes.

At the sight, Kento's fist subtly clenched at the edge of the desk, his jaw setting. But he did nothing. 

He already had some macarons, and they were free. Why should he care that someone took the last one? 

But he did care.

And that was the problem.

"I advise you not to do that again." Kento said cooly, the tension in his body slowly releasing. "I have work to complete, in which your presence isn't required." That was his way of unceremoniously kicking out Fumihiko.

"Oh, c'mon, Nanami. Lighten up." The coworker still did not get the hint. "No need to be so hostile."

"I'm maintaining boundaries." Kento said bluntly.

Fumihiko snickered, crossing his arms in faux offense. "Ouch. Well then, Nanami, get back to work." 

I was already working.

Kento still felt strangely irritated, even as his coworker walked away. It was over the macarons, he knew that. The same ones the bakery girl had given to him free, along with the bread. Why was he so hung up over the macarons, a superficial dessert that was given to him because the batch failed to look aesthetically pleasing?

Then, he remembered the way her eyebrows knitted together in concern as soon as he walked into the store, his mood spoiled from the start. That combined with the fact she knew he was a regular. That was obvious, he came every day, but it was more so that she remembered his usual order.

Maybe it wasn't the item, but rather the notion that she thought of him.

Kento knew how to separate sentimentalism from his job, but going to the bakery wasn't exactly his occupation, now was it? So, there was no reason why he shouldn't be touched by Y/N's thoughtful actions.

Just then, he sneezed, covering it with his elbow. Strange. It didn't feel like there was any dust in the air. 

"Hm... it's only 2." He looked at his watch, prickly at how slow the time went by. 

A few more hours for him and he was sure he'd go crazy. If only the clock would speed faster to reach 6, and as soon as that small hand reached the bottom of the numerals, Kento would be out faster than anyone else.

But that was only his thoughts, as he still had a long day to endure.

Although he already went there in the morning, his foot tapped, his dress shoes clicking against the floor by his desk, itching to go. Seeing those familiar locks of H/C hair and E/C hair was something that he associated with his favourite bread by habit. A habit he couldn't break.

Another bakery visit wouldn't hurt. 

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