Hide and Seek

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The following morning, the twins woke to the smell of pancakes wafting throughout the entire house. After getting ready, they joined their mother downstairs and devoured the delicious blueberry-filled breakfast. Charlotte gave her children a kiss goodbye before going upstairs to prepare for her own day. She got approval to stay at the healing center for the next three nights so she had a lot to pack before her journey. Alice had just rubbed the locket dangling from her neck when she and her brother went outside to wait for Lucius.

"We spend all day with Lady Josephine today," Alice claimed referencing the schedule she wrote down for herself. "Common magic. I wonder what we're going to learn." The clouds hung high in the sky allowing a fair amount of light to brighten the gloomy day. If you squinted hard enough you could almost see the sun's rays desperate to break through. Oliver played with his wand, watching the obsidian reflect the daylight.

"I wonder what we're gonna learn in Intro to Dark Magic on Friday with that Watson guy," Oliver said.

"It's Watkins, and I don't know if it's a good idea to be teaching children Dark magic. Doesn't that seem a little dangerous?" Alice replied as she took a seat next to her brother on the porch steps.

"Most magic seems pretty dangerous if you ask me. But better to know and understand than wonder and find out by mistake." The sound of flapping wings made the twins look up. Lucius was in regular-sized bird form and had just floated through the line of trees. With a graceful swoop, the raven landed a few feet away while simultaneously finishing its change into its enlarged form.

"Good morning, Lucius," Alice said offering a few hazelnuts. When its beak was filled, the twins climbed onto its back, albeit much more graceful this time, where they found their harnesses tucked neatly into the storage crate at the base of the bird's neck. Strapped in and ready to go, the three made their way through the crisp October air to the Academy.

"Are we late?" Alice asked worriedly as they passed the empty front desk. Even the main common room remained silent. "Tempus revealio." She whispered. A silver, gem-encrusted watch appeared on her wrist. Neither Alice nor Oliver had seen it before but that didn't currently matter. "9:30?!" Alice gasped. They were indeed late to their first lesson. Picking up the pace, the twins hurried past the painting of the Shepherds and burst into Professor Josephine's room. Not a soul was in class.

"Where is everyone?" Oliver asked, looking around nervously. He at least expected Lady Josephine to be in her own classroom. Alice noticed a note lying on the teacher's desk. Hesitant to peep, she read it while keeping an eye on the door.

Alice and Oliver,

Today I will be testing your intuition and adaptability. The Sprites and I are playing a game of hide and seek. I will give you three clues to help you find us all. Be creative and work together.

1) Go towards the ancient silent record-keepers and look up. Keep your eyes towards the sky to find the first group.

2) Archives can hold more than just old files. They hold all the information and a few mischievous childs.

3) Complete your search in a place that makes you feel tame. Speak the language of the Sprites to reveal what is hidden within the flame.

Good luck,

Lady Josephine Littleton

"So they want us to play a game? Awesome," Oliver muttered while reading the note over his sister's shoulder.

"They're obviously testing us Oli. To see if we can find them using magic. This can't be that hard. I love a good game. Now let's figure out where we need to go using the clues. Hmm." She read over the three lines that gave them hints as to where the rest of the class was hiding.

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