#Contest Entry: In a mess

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A/N:guys this is my 600 word love story contest entry for Romance, an excerpt of a story, I never published. vote if you like and please comment to let me know what you think. Initially I'd written it differently, with happy ending but that got deleted by accident and I forgot what I'd written :(

I watch with fury pumping in my veins, His hands on her waist, hers on his shoulders, he whispers in her ear she giggles, its a melifluent sound, but I hate it.

The music blasting from the huge stereos are in sync with my erratic heart beat, My head aches, My heart burns and I need a drink, I walk over to the bar, They are standing right there, already undressing eachother with their eyes, too oblivious of their surroundings.

Ughh! I inwardly gag, hearing me clear my throat, they pry their lustful gaze away from each other and she sits down on the bar stool.

I am about to order but he does it for me,
"One whiskey on the rocks please" I stare at him, surprised, he still remembers, he gives an inconspicuous nod, that little.... jerk!

What is the point of toying with me! Frustrated, Annoyed, I chug it down in one go and order the waiter for another.

He gives a disparaging look but remains silent, good! He lost his right to say anything; My heart's in a mess. I drain my drink.

She tries to engage him in conversation, he partakes but his eyes are on me, can't only have one toy to play with right, he wants all the dummies in the toyshop.

I feel so angry!
And so jealous!
I hate him!
I love him!
I respected him,
I loathe him...
And its all a whirlwind in my head.

I order third round.

She turns her head to stare at me, he eyebrows arched.
"Are you sure you want to drink that much? You have to be in office tomorrow morning by seven remember"

Yes bitch I do.

I finish it

"Sure ma'am I remember, I'll be in time, I've high tolerance to alcohol! Just loosening up little" My voice is tight, with irritation.

"Na just saying, youre here alone, there's no one to take care of you in case.." She trails off, that is such a low blow.
"I know I am alone, but I am perfectly capable of handling myself, I need no one- ma'am " I say with a smile, I look at him sharply. He eyes are guilty, but I now know they are liars.

Fourth round

She shrugs and turn to him,
"Listen, um I needed to get the pills, is it okay if we stop by the road? I don't wanna be late, we'll have so much fun tonight." She simpers. He mutters a 'sure' and winks

I can't take this anymore, my hand works on its own accord as I pour my beverage on top of her head.
"What's the hell!" She shrieks as the liquid trickles through her immaculately styled hair and stains her dress,she jumps up and tries to do damage control, she gives me a death glare while he hands her tissues,
"Oops, sorry, my mistake" I mutter, my voice slurry, I walk out, I flee from the suffocating ballroom, out of this expensive hotel, I run until I reach the lawn, here I take deep breaths, the cool air bites my shoulders, my body wracks as I sob, letting all the conflicting emotions pour out of my eyes. My life's a mess.

I cry until my eyes hurt, but I finally feel liberated, when I'm walking out the gate, I hear him shouting my name, I hesitate, but then firming my resolve I walk out.

Too late prince, you lost me, the pauper is gone, now enjoy with your princess.


The end.
I hope you like it.

(594) words.

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