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Violet's point of view
It's been about a month and a half since glenn has brought me to the prison. We got a new member to the group the other day. She's a dark skinned lady with dreads and a katana. She's pretty, beautiful in fact.

She came in with a wound and a basket of baby formula. Hershel fixed her up though they have her locked in a room just so we know if she is gonna be a threat or not. She told us how this group called Woodbury took glenn and maggie and thats where the formula came from. But hearing that they were gone broke me. Those are the two people who took care of me when i first showed up here. Glenn saved me and He might be gone forever. I don't think i can live with that.

But I personally feel like we could trust her although I know why rick and them do what they got to do.

Other than that I have gotten closer with a few people such as carl, maggie, carol and rick.Im still the closest with glenn, he takes care of me like he's my older brother or even another dad to me. I love glenn like family, I love this group like family. They are family.

I was making breakfast when carol came into the kitchen. She went and leaned on one of the counters and look at me "need something carol?" i said as i glanced up at her taking my eyes off the eggs i was currently cooking. She stared for a second before saying "just making sure you season those eggs like when you first made them for us" she stated letting me know why she was here.

I reached into the seasoning cabinet pulling out the granulated garlic and the onion salt and putting a little sprinkle of each seasoning across the eggs. After seasoning them to what felt right i looked up at carol and raised the pan of eggs and the seasonings with my hands as i made eye contact and pressing my lips together making them more of a flat line and then widening my eyes.

She laughed a little and then stood up "Im here to see when you wanna take your shift today. Im asking everyone so they don't just show up when another person is there trying to switch aswell." I gave her a look to say 'that's never been an issue' which she had something to say about "don't look at me like that it's been a problem latley!" she said trying to defend herself. I just laughed a little " I will take my shift after lunch and switch when it's time for dinner sound good?" i asked and she nodded and then walked away while yelling "I call dibs for first serve on eggs!" "ok!" i yelled back with a small laugh.

I finished the eggs and moved on to making the bacon from the meat daryl got us when he went out hunting. He found a wild pig brought it back so now we have enough for about a month if we keep it cold. Then maggie picked up some powder pancake mix that you just add water to and it makes pancake batter so i'm making some of those as well.

I was flipping the bacon when the oil popped and got on my hand burning me a little. I winced at the sudden stinging but felt fine after holding the area that got burned for a second.

I returned to cooking not long after and used a spatula to flip them now instead of a fork. Which i probably should have done in the first place but oh well.

I just finished making breakfast and was setting the food out for people to dish themselves. I finished setting everything out and yelled for carol so she could dish her eggs "Carol breakfast is done! Come get your eggs before everyone else does!" I turned around and started to clean up everything else that i used to make the food when I heard what i thought was carol running into the kitchen.

I turned around only to be met with none other than carl dishing himself some eggs as carol walked in " Hey i called dibs on first serve for those!" she whined and carl and me both just laughed "you guys suck" carol said as she now dished herself some food.

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