1. a nice start to a nice day

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Rody woke up in a cold sweat. Another one of THOSE nightmares, huh? Rody thought to himself. He slowly sat up and walked over to the fridge. He opened it. but he knew what was inside. It was just the leftovers from work, including the 'strawberry shortcake' vincent INSISTED  he had to take, or else he wouldn't get his raise. "I really need to throw that out.." he spoke aloud, only for no one else to hear him. "I'm not hungry.." he told himself. But he was, and he knew he was. But he didn't want to be. Rody closed the fridge. He had a quick flashback of the nightmare he had, of Vince, staying him, eating him with a fork.. Rody shuddered at the thought of it. He trudged his way to the bathroom and looked at himself in the mirror. This pathetic exuse of a man had no right to still be living. Yet here he was, living . . . Ish. Rody looked tired. He WAS tired, yet he couldn't get an ounce of sleep. He then looked at his clothes. Not dirty. But it was also not something you wouldn't be embarrassed to go out in. (Rody has this fake confidence, and I'm here for it.)  He then looked at his hair. A complete rats nest resided on the top of rodys head, and he had just realized this now!?
Rody tried running his fingers through it, but they were immediately stopped by the multiple snarls on Rodys head.
Rody looked around for his hair brush, no luck. Rody then looks around for his OTHER clothes. Still not fancy, but you could wear them outside without getting any stares.

Rody opend his door and checked his mailbox that stood at the bottom of the steps that would lead him to his apartment later today. He pulls out the thick pieces of paper and starts reading each one. Bill..Bill..Rent..Bill...than, last but not least... his check for the week! (In this rody had the job full time and not just one week) 1000 bucks, including  the tips he got which sums up to about 2090 bucks. Rody stuffed the empty envelopes into the trash that was next to him and put the money into his pocket.

Hey!! I'm this was short but I have school and other things.. I already have most of the fan fiction written on paper so I'm basically "coppying" off of that. I will try to update tomorrow!! I hope multiple people will like my content😅

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 16 ⏰

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