Chapter 9

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A/N: Hopefully a short chapter....

(Jason POV even though I find them somewhat boring)

I was nervous we were going to lose the target, it moved like, well, the wind.

"Speed up!" I urged.

"Bro," Leo said, "If I get any closer, he'll spot us."

"Bronze dragon ain't exactly a stealth plane." Madi added. She had been really quiet, we were both pretty embarrassed from our black out session. I woke up before she had and Leo had given her his coat again. Naturally, she was hugging his waist.

"Slow down!" Piper peeped.

"Get above the buildings," I suggested, "We'll track him from there!"

"You want to drive this thing?" Leo grumbled, but obeyed anyway. After a few minutes the storm spirit came into my view again, zipping through the streets with no purpose knocking mortals off their feet.

"Oh great," Piper grumbled, "There's two." That's when I saw that there was in fact another venti that had appeared.

"Do those guys need anymore caffeine?" Leo asked sarcastically.

"Leo," Madi said nervously. They saw a big billboard with a sleeping woman on it.

"I see her," he said, "I see her, and I don't like her" they continued following the venti until the spirits vanished down a drain.

"Did they just go down a drain?" Piper asked, "How are we supposed to follow them?"

"Maybe we shouldn't." Madi suggested. Leo nodded in agreement.

"That fountain gives me bad vibes. And aren't we supposed to like, beware the earth and all?"

"Put us down in the park," I said, "We can check it out on foot." Festus landed us in a decent area. There was a perfect skyline and a lake nearby. Madi stared in awe. It would've been really nice in the summer, I thought, but right now there is so much snow and ice. Festus flapped his wings unhappily and shot fire in the sky. No one noticed.

They hopped off Festus and one of his ruby eyes flickered, "Is that normal?" I asked Leo and Madi. Madi shrugged and looked to Leo, who pulled out a hammer and whacked Festus' bad eye.

"Yes." Madi said, playing with her bracelet.

"Festus can't stay around here. They'll arrest him for loitering. Maybe if I had a dog whistle..." Leo said. Reaching into his tool belt, "To specific? Okay, how about a..."

"Safety whistle? There are always lots of those in machine shops!" Madi added. I'm not going to deny that I felt very protective over Madi. I barely knew her, and she was already like a little sister to me.

Leo reached into his tool belt again and pulled out a big plastic bright orange whistle, "Man! Coach Hedge would be jealous!" He blew into the whistle, "Okay boy, when you hear that come find me okay? Until then just fly around and try not to barbecue any pedestrians. Okay?" Festus snorted and flew off. Madi nudged Leo playfully. Piper took one step and winced.

"Ah!" Madi was gripping her side, Leo put a hand on hers to stop her from playing with her bandages.

(Aphrodite POV again bc I have another idea)


"No. You are not!" Zeus said.


"Stop shipping my daughter with Vulcan's son!" Poseidon complained.

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