Chapter 8

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(Leo's POV)

I was not okay with leaving Madi back in the warehouse. And I wished Festus hadn't landed on the toilets. He had flattened them all, seriously dude? I made my way over to my dragon and got irritated. He looked perfectly fine. He fell from the sky with a giant boom, and hadn't even been dented or scratched! Nothing was broken either.

"Not my fault," I muttered, "Festus you're making me look bad." I opened the head of the dragon, and saw the frozen wires and charred control disk. I sighed.

I remember something my mother said when I was little, "Most problems are bigger than they seem, Mijo nothing is unfixable" I doubt that she ever had to fix a flying magical fifty-year old dragon.

"Right," I mumbled, "Gimme a nylon bristle brush, some nitrile gloves, and maybe some of that aerosol cleaning solvent." my toolbelt obliged. It wouldn't give me anything magical like Jason's sword, or a chainsaw. I tried both. But if I asked for anything complicated, or too much at once, the belt needed a cooldown. I can't believe how stupid I was back at Boreas' palace. I mean, first I let them take Madi from me, and second I'm the son of the freaking god of fire!

"Leo?" I heard. I faced where it came from and nearly fell off Festus.

"Madi!?" I asked stunned, "You're supposed to be with Jason and Piper."

"Leo, you can't solve every problem alone." She looked into my eyes, and I gazed into her eyes. They always seemed to put me under a spell, when it came to girls I wanted to date, she was the only one. I mean yeah, Khione was hot and all; but she's not my type really.

"So, what we were discussing in morse before we fell," I brought up, we both blushed and began working on fixing and cleaning Festus.

"Oh! Right," She looked guilty of something, "It was nothing Chico." She admitted and my spirits deflated.


"Yeah? We've been friends for a while. I thought I could try and tell you."

(Aphrodite's POV bc I had a funny idea)


"What's wrong?" Ares/Mars asked.

"LEO AND MADI AREN'T CONFESSING YET! She almost did but then didn't!!"

"Wait, you're shipping MY daughter, with HIS son?" Poseidon/Neptune motioned to Hephaestus/Vulcan.

"Yes! They're just so perfect together! I can't help it. They will be quite the love story when I'm done with them."

(Leo's POV again)

"Yeah, you can tell me anything." I knew it was weird to like your best friend. But I couldn't help myself. She had kissed me on the cheek earlier, we've held hands, and I've given her my jacket several times! How more obvious can you get?

"I just, I don't want to talk about it." She said,

"Yeah fine," I mumbled.

"Leo. Do you think I'm needed on this quest?" She looked at me with the eyes that I love so so much.

"Of course!" I answered quickly, "Jason, Piper and I wouldn't be here without you! You know that right? If anyone's not needed on this quest it's me."

"No it's that's not —" she was cut off by a hissing voice that I sadly recognized.

They need you Leo. it said, Desperately. In some ways you are the most important one of the eight.

"Leo?" Madi looked at me. We looked down to where the voice came from and I wanted to scream. Ms. Dirt Face had appeared in the sludge. Her closed eyes landed on Madi.

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