Chapter 4

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(Leo's POV)

I didn't stick around after Piper turned beautiful. Yeah sure, it was amazing–omg she's wearing makeup–. But I had other issues to attend to. I volunteered myself for a quest my best friend was going on. Madi was forced to do this quest. I could've let Nyssa go instead, but Madi, ugh! I needed to go with her! One line of Jason's prophecy kept coming back to me.

Fire and Water shall relive the past/their true feelings revealed at last. I really hope that didn't mean what I think it meant.

"Leo?" a voice called. The fire in my palm continued to dance. The voice belonged to one girl, Madison.

"Leo!?" she called again. I remained silent. But I gave up.

"Over here!" Big mistake. I forgot to put my fire out, and Madi came and stared.

"You're holding fire!" she gasped. I nodded,

"Please don't freak..." Tears formed in our eyes, she came closer and I put my fire out. She put her cold hands on my face and stared at me as if I was a stranger to her.

"Why didn't you tell me chico?" she was clearly crying now.

"I don't know."

"Yes you do." I looked at her, she's about three inches shorter than me.

"I'm so so so sorry mi princesa," I sobbed holding her hands.

"For what?"

"The fires, and lying."

"Leo? The fire from the mechanic shop wasn't your fault. It was just a faulty machine, ok?"

I shook my head, "It was me. I almost killed you. I killed our moms. I could never live with myself again after that."

"Chico! Stop. Please. Okay, you're bringing back my memories that I want to forget." We walked for a bit looking for the dragon. Madi didn't know that.

"What memories?" I finally asked after what seemed like hours.

"I was adopted when I was ten. My family seemed nice, but hated me. They locked me in the closet under the stairs, it had no lights, it had spiders, and was very very small." She was crying, "They punished me for existing amigo. The only one nice to me was Hailey, their real daughter; we talked for hours even though her parents hated it."


"M-morse code."

"You know morse code?"

"Yes, remember? Your mama taught me. I taught Hailey. But the closet is how I got my–"


She nodded; I hugged her close.

"What are you looking for? The dragon?"

I stopped and nodded. She knew me too well. She giggled, "Of course you are!" and I blushed. I saw one of the traps that Nyssa mentioned.

In the center of the trap was tabasco sauce and motor oil, the fumes being spread out by a fan. It was pressure sensitive so that when the dragon stepped on it. BAM! One present wrapped dragon. I edged closer to the trap, I stepped on the pressure plate.

"Leo!" Madi called out in protest.

"I'm fine!" I yelled back. Why did she care about me this much? The trap did nothing. I turned around and saw two glowing red eyes, like headlights, behind Madi staring at my fire, "Madi, come to me very slowly." I directed.

"What? Why?"

"Just don't–" Madi turned around and screamed, "Scream." I finished. She dove out of the way and the dragon charged forward.

Ocean's Hero - HOO - Leo Valdez x OCWhere stories live. Discover now