Chapter 1: The arrival

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Darkness...that was all that surrounded me.
Darkness...that was all I could see.
Darkness...that was all I could think bout.

Not being able to see made the situation I was in even harder. I tried touching everything around me in hopes of remembering where I am. I could feel steel or iron grids and a few wooden boxes that were all around me. A little red light in the corner helped me see that I was in some sort of box. The letters W-C-K-D were written on the wooden boxes. Being busy with finding out were I am, I didn´t notice one important thing - I didn´t just forget where I was or how I got in here, I forgot everything. Now panic broke loose. How did I get in here? Why am I in here? - and most importantly - Who am I? I tried remembering so hard, trying harder then I ever did - but it was pointless. I couldn´t remember a single f-ing thing.

Before I could panic even more the box started to move . It felt like it was going up at a fast pace, untill it suddently stopped. I could make out voices - wait - male voices?! To say I was terrified was an understatement. I was petrified trying not to move or to breathe,not wanting to be found by those what I thought were male voices. Was I going insane or were there really people out there because - ...
I was stopped mid thought when the doors of the box started to open. Closing my eyes I hoped not to be found but my plan failed miserably. Finally opening my eyes I saw a tall, black haired boy. Hearing more people running to him and asking him questions I was able to make out his name: Alby.  There were more and more boys coming to stand around the box now.

"What do you see, Alby? A new Greenbean?" I heard a boy ask. What the hell is a Greenbean? Do they mean me?

"Yes, indeed, but itś a girl!"

Loud chattering was all I could hear. What i so special about me - a girl?

"Hey, quiet down! You are going to scare the poor girl!"

Thank you Alby they really were! He held his arm out in my box and guestured me to climb out. I did because what else was I supposed to do. Only then I noticed how many boys there really were.
I didn´t see a single girl. Was I really the only one? Some boys just stared at me confused and others stood there staring and winking at me in a flirty manner. The hell was I going to stay here!

So I started making a run for it. Not knowing where I am or where to run I just ran as fast as I could over the grass. I saw a concrete opening between huge concrete walls so I decided to run there because it looked like an exit to me. Being so focused on running and escaping, the boy following me stayed unnoticed. That was untill he collided with my back pushing me down untill I face planted in the dirt.

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