chapter 2: she hates you anyways

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i finish my run and i have been running for about half an hour. my thoughts aren't swarming my brain, now i can actually think straight. ish.
i spot a bench and i jog over to it, desperate to relieve my legs. i sit down, putting my head in my hands, taking deep breaths.
i know i shouldn't have kicked off at leah, but she deserved it. all she does is try butt her nose in where it's not needed.

feeling someone's eyes on me, i turn around. sarina is there, walking over to the bench im on. fuck. the silence is broken by my quick, heavy breaths.

"oh hello sarina" i say quietly as she sits down beside me.

"hello sophia" she says.
we sit there is silence for a second.

"erm no offense sarina, but why are you here?"

"leah called me" i sigh, running my hands over my face, knowing i fucked up massively and probably going to get sent home from camp.

"look, im sorry for lashing out at her, i just needed some space" i mumble, not sure on what i'm actually apologizing for.

"that's not what i wanted to talk to you about, but thank you. leah told me that you two aren't really getting along. so, if it's okay, in training im putting you two together. we will do some team builders for you two. it's going to not be fun at first but you'll soon enough have to get along. "

"i don't think thats a good idea sarina. "

"i thoroughly thought about you being on this team. i believe you will change our game. i had to think about what your physicality would bring to this team, wether that's good or bad. and i know this team will have your back and try get you out of these situations. " she says, dismissing my idea.

"it's not as easy as you think sarina, all my managers have tried this before and it just doesn't work. " i say truthfully

"sophia, i trust you. i trust that in every situation you will do what is best for the team."

"thank you"

"no worries" she says, patting my shoulder and leaving.
i'm beyond annoyed with leah, going and telling on me like a little baby. i cant let sarina see me get angry off of the feild though, because that will cause all kinds of new issues.

leah's pov~

i walk into the gym, followed by the three musketeers. these three literally do not leave eachother sides. i dont think i have heard them all camp not giggling. i watch as they split up, each going off to do their workouts.

this camp i'm sharing a room with sophia stone, the new girl on our team. she's a huge world class player, getting known more and more by the day. a lot of pressure is on her, i get that, but im not having her bad attitude get in the way of our success. she always gets yellows like they're nothing; and gets sent off often.
yet still, the fans fucking adore her.
i have seen uncountable edits of her on instagram and tiktok. they edit everything she does, she must have thousands of thirst traps existing of her that fans have made. they edit all kinds of things, her interviews, celebrations, wiping her sweat off of her face with her shirt, flashing her abs or her biceps, the challenges she does with her teammates, and most of all the fights she gets in. sophia is arrogant and selfish. but i don't believe in judging people until i really get to know them.
sophia is about 5'7, brunette hair but dyed blonde and tanned skin, deep green eyes and a built figure. i've got to admit it - she's very good looking. sophia is impossibley attractive. but, i cant stand her attitude.
i can tell she's stressed, overly doing it a lot. the whole of england has high expectations of her, she's meant to be the key to winning this euros.
she scores absolute bangers, dribbling through a whole team like she's brazilian. she's a proper wind up, winking at the opposition she scored against them, making little comments to get into your head but the thing i hate the most is how the fans still love her. if i got sent off i would get slammed on social media, they couldn't care less is she gets sent off. if anything they find it funny. that's the thing about hot footballers, they could do anything absolutely anything and the fans will never change, still edit them showing their abs, still chant their name.

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