10. I'm Not Scared of Dying

Start from the beginning

"Please stay..." Folio pleaded.

I sniffled not sure of what my next move was. Of course I still loved him and wanted to stay to make sure he's okay, but the other part of me knew I was just a part of his past, and didn't belong here. I was sure I was one of the last people he wanted to see.

Folio grabbed my hand and pulled me next to him. He embraced me as I cried into his shirt, feeling so embarrassed but I couldn't stop. I've held everything in for the last few months and avoided them so that this wouldn't happen...the outpouring of all the agony and heartbreak. I couldn't help it.

He rubbed my back to comfort me knowing I needed to let it all out.
I don't know how long we were sitting there until a doctor finally came out.

"Hi everyone...firstly, I wanted to let you all know he's going to be okay...secondly, we discovered opioids in his system, and mixing it with the alcohol caused him to collapse. We were thankfully able to pump his stomach and remove the Vicodin from his system, but glancing over his medical records, we know this was definitely not prescribed to him. Does Mr. Davis have a history of drug and alcohol abuse?"

The guys looked to me to answer as if I was still his keeper.

"Alcohol yes...drugs...I've never seen him do that." I knew he had recreationally before but it was never a steady "habit" of his like the drinking. I wondered if he did it on purpose or if the two got mixed by somebody giving it to him without his knowledge. Either option was a terrifying one.

"We are going to keep him here for another day to monitor him, but we might have to look into options for him as far as an outpatient treatment program to avoid this in the future...."

None of us spoke just trying to make sense of all of this. Even though Noah drank a lot and partied hard, this still just didn't seem like something he would normally do.

"Can we see him?" Nick finally asked to break the silence.

"He is awake and stable...that's actually why I'm here, he keeps asking for Eve...."

I felt everyone's eyes on me as I sat frozen in the chair. I didn't know if me seeing him was going to make things any better for either one of us.

"Uh...I don't know..."

Folio looked at me pleadingly.

"Eve, after today I promise you I'll try my best to make sure he doesn't bother you anymore. I know he doesn't deserve it from you, but would you please consider speaking with him? Just this last time."

I locked eyes with Folio debating on what I should do. I was already emotional but Folio made it more difficult for me to refuse.

He was always seeing both sides to our relationship and mostly sided with me...and the fact that he was asking this of me after everything just proved how much he was really hoping I would accept. I bit my lip just thinking for a few minutes and I finally nodded.

Folio sighed with relief and genuinely thanked me. I felt my weak legs almost buckle as I stood up, feeling nervous butterflies fluttering around in my stomach.

"Come with me." The doctor spoke and I followed him to Noah's room. I turned the knob and slowly entered feeling like I was in a dreamy haze. I wished I would wake up from this terrible nightmare right now, but unfortunately this was my reality

My eyes fell on his perfect face, as he laid in the hospital bed wearing his Johnny. His hair was disheveled , and he appeared pale with a violet tint around his eyes. He looked frail but still beautiful.

The silence was overcome with the small beeping sound of the machine he was hooked up to that monitored his heart beat.

As soon as he saw me, I noticed his bottom lip tremble with disbelief and his eyes glazed over. He didn't expect for me to actually come but he was so thankful I showed.

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