"Hyung, I also wanna go on long drive in midnight. In this type of cars."


And here both are in the Nissan GtR skyline at midnight driving on the road like it's theirs but problem came when police followed them for over speeding. Jungkook laugh and told Taehyung for faster and now they are playing with police and it didn't take long for them to run away.

Yes, they become teenager again. They are not like other couples who are always busy in lovely dovey thing and always in romantic things. They are more like homies who love to live in moment but still their romance is on next level and jungkook is sitting on Taehyung's lap right now and both are kissing while car is still on road.



Jungkook got a doll up by Taehyung who loved to ready his baby in cute attires and jungkook never complain and let Taehyung do anything he wants to do with him. When Taehyung was done. He took pic of kookie.

Taehyung almost tear up, "you look so cute

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

Taehyung almost tear up, "you look so cute. My love." Jungkook giggled and blushed which made Taehyung heart to travel his whole body in excitement. All other members sitting their with done and weird expression.

Yoongi said with an irritated tone, "I was so happy when these two got married but now their lovely dovey moments are making me feel cringe. I didn't sign up for this "

Jimin hit him and said, "just because you can't be as romantic as Taehyung. That's why you are complaining. You both continue."

Jin and yoonji totally agree with them making their husbands roll their eyes. Yoongi smile and hold Jimin hand and said with love in his eyes, "but chim I love you more .... I can burn this world for you." Jimin blushed a little but jungkook pout and got mischievous thought in his mind. He went to Taehyung and sat on his lap and asked him, "Yoongi hyung can burn the world for Jiminie. What can you do for me hubby? "

Taehyung peak his lips and reply, " I would hand the lighter to you and let you burn this world and I would just sit back and look at you proudly because you are not princess who need princess treatment or protection. You are a fucking queen who can take care of yourself and know how to make the world bow to you and I myself would love to be your servant and serve you. "

Jungkook blush and said in whisper, " but I want you as my king beside me. "

Both smile and start making out while other bottoms are looking at Taehyung with heart eyes for making their heart flutter with his line and tops are just cursing Taehyung for making things hard for them..

Hobi sigh and said, " Taehyung is Whipped king for Queen Jungkook. "


Its been a year of their marriage now and everything is going all fine. Fans are also crying as they never thought that Taehyung would be this much big green flag. All are happy and taekook are out of this world happy. But something happens.

Taekook | One Shotحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن