Chapter 14 - We Will Be Together for Evermore

Start from the beginning

"This is a load of hogwash," said the Colonel after everything I told him.

"It's true, Colonel," said Daddy. "It's all real. It happened, whether you believe it or not. And I think it's a great idea."

He huffed through his nose. "Okay, say I believe this fairytale nonsense. How do you suggest he get over there by plane with an ID saying 'Elvis Presley' when no one will see that it's him?"

That was a good point. "Yeah, you're right. But I have to get over there somehow."

"She can't transport you, can she?" asked Daddy.

"No. She can only transport herself about one-hundred miles."

"Then... maybe change your ID somehow? I mean, it will still say your name, but when people see it, they see a different name and face?"

I nodded, thinking. "That could work."

"You two are absolutely out of your minds," said the Colonel. "You do hear yourselves, right?"

He wasn't going to believe this no matter what, but I was determined to get over there. "This is gonna happen, Colonel. I'll write Ignis, and we'll think of somethin'."

The Colonel shook his head, not liking this at all, and not believing it. But sooner or later, he would, since Ignis would prove that it was all true. I just had to contact her and ask her what we could do. She already made it clear that she wasn't coming back to the states again. She loved it over there. It was a place she could be herself and do what she did best.

But it was straining my heartstrings, her being that far. I would get to her no matter what.

~ ~ ~

It was a miracle. I came out the airport in Paris, and no one knew it was me. This was a labor of love, getting me over here. The Colonel was adamant that I not go, but I went anyway. He didn't want to leave the country, so he was back at home, and for a reason he was adamant of not telling anyone. I came with Daddy and Jerry, and Ignis was able to put the spell on them so no one would recognize them. And, yes, she charmed our IDs. It was incredible, what we were doing. Maybe illegal. But no one would know the difference. I was gone, but no one knew that, at least the press and fans. As far as they knew, I was at home at Graceland and would be for the next week.

"Let's get to the hotel," said Jerry, and we were off. The men with me stayed back in the posh hotel in the middle of Paris, and I took a car out of the city to get where I wanted to go. We all would go sight-seeing later, like to the Eiffel Tower, Notre Dame Cathedral and other historical places. But first, I needed to see someone. I ached to see her. It had been months since I saw her in person last.

About half-an-hour later, the grand building started coming into view, and like my last visit, this was only a small portion of a great whole. But where I wanted was in this little section. I exited the car and came into the palace complex and stood where I stood the last time... only this was real. I could feel the majesty and history emanating from the looming building. I also could feel the presence of the girl I made this trip for. She was in there, waiting for me.

I came into the building with several other people, and what a relief that no one took a second glance at me. Well, there was the occasional woman who said to her female companion that I was handsome, but that was it. It was like this the whole way here. I loved not being my famous self once in a while.

The tour veered off into a hallway to the right, and while that part of this magnificent palace was beautiful, I was heading to a place even more so. I knew at this hour, when the sun was going down, that the room was closed. But I went to find it anyway.

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