Chapter 14 - We Will Be Together for Evermore

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The spell was finally broken, but I had a feeling that all this wasn't over yet. Sam was gone, as was Cilla, and Ignis hadn't even spoken to me since the spell was lifted off of me. Was she gone now? I really needed to talk to her about all this, just to make sure the spell was for sure lifted.

"Ignis, please, come here, or I'll come to you. Either one."

She was silent for a moment, then I heard knocking on my bedroom door. It was the day after Sam left, and I was the only one in the house. I knew instantly who was on the other side of the double doors to my room. I went up to them and opened the right-hand door, and there was Ignis, all in black, and she was grinning at me.

"How does it feel to have the spell completely lifted?" she asked, and I turned around and sat on my bed, facing the door. Ignis came in.

"Well, it's nice that I don't have to worry about the spell anymore, and I don't have to worry about losin' my fame, but... Sam's gone. I thought she would stay."

Ignis came and sat on my left as I stared at blank a space of the burgundy carpet near the door. I knew she could sense that I was down. She said, "The spell can be broken even if the person doesn't intend on staying. The words and feelings need to be there, and they were, and that was what broke the spell." She put a comforting hand on my upper arm. "I'm sorry that she left, Elvis. She called me last night and told me everything. And... I in turn told her everything, too."

My heart jumped, and I looked over at her, at her pretty face with all the makeup on it, like usual. "Hold on... Everything, as in everything."

"Yes. I already told her about the spell before, but also what we've been through. She wasn't too surprised about it all, and she was actually happy that she was the one who lifted the spell off of you."

Honestly, it wasn't surprising that she wasn't surprised, finding out about the spell. "Does she still love me?"

"What do you think? She pines for you, but she knows that she can't be with you. I'm sad she left. She will still be a good friend to me, and I think because of her, I'll practice my transportation spell over farther distances so I can hop over to Colorado whenever I want to see her."

"It's nice that you can do that," I grumbled. "I have to take a plane. So... it's really all over? The spell?" She nodded once. "Are you leavin', too?"

"I thought about it, and..."

"Please don't say you are. I'll have to figure out some way to get to France. That's still somethin' you wanna do, right?"

"Well, of course, I would love to actually go to France..."

"But you wanna stay here since I'm here," I inferred, and she was silent for a moment. My heart started to sink more. "Ah, no... Ignis, please, don't run off to France."

"Elvis, I didn't say anything."

"You were thinkin' it. You think that you're no good for me, too."

She pressed her lips together, lips that were in a deep red, not the black she had often. I liked it on her since it reminded me of being in that spectacular ballroom. "Sam and I talked about this, and... I think the same way as her. She thinks you and she would never work... never fit. And I think the same thing regarding the two of us. It's just not right."

I ran my hands down my face. "This can't be happening..."

"I think you should contact Priscilla and get her back here. You love her."

"She's moved on. She's with another guy now."

Ignis knew this since she could read my mind. Some time ago, Cilla called me and said that she started something with a guy that was closer to her age... a guy who looked like me. Figures. Well, her parents were happy. They were never thrilled about her being involved with me.

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