Heartbreak and Big Brothers

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The first time Han joined Felix's friend group, they met up at a cafe near campus. As he approached the table with Felix where Changbin, Hyunjin, and Seungmin were sitting, he felt a mix of nerves.

He is scared of getting too attached to people he barely knows .

"Hey, Han!" Seungmin greeted him with a warm smile, motioning for him to take a seat.

"Glad you could make it." Hyunjin said

Felix smiled and introduced Han. "Guys, this is Han, my roommate."

Changbin raised an eyebrow in curiosity, while Hyunjin flashed him a friendly grin.

Seungmin gave him a gentle nod of acknowledgement.

"Nice to meet you all," Han said, taking a seat beside Felix.

"So, Han, tell us a bit about yourself," Changbin said, leaning back in his chair with a playful glint in his eyes.

Han chuckled nervously. "Well, I'm from a small town a few hours away from here. This is my first time living away from home, so everything's still pretty new to me."

Hyunjin's eyes lit up with interest. "Oh, that's cool! What made you choose this college?"

"I've always been drawn to city life, and this college had a great program for my major," Han explained. "Plus, it just felt like the right fit when I visited."

Seungmin nodded in understanding.

"It's important to go where you feel comfortable. Speaking of which, how are you finding campus life so far?"

Han shrugged, a hint of uncertainty in his voice.

"It's been a bit overwhelming, to be honest. But having Felix as my roommate has definitely made the transition easier."

Felix grinned at him. "Aw, pookie. Don't worry, Han, you'll get the hang of it soon enough. And we're all here to help you out."

As they continued chatting, Han felt a sense of belonging wash over him.

These weren't just Felix's friends anymore – they were becoming his friends too.

And as they shared stories, laughter, and even a few embarrassing moments, Han knew that this was the beginning of something special.

With Felix's friend group by his side, college didn't seem so daunting anymore. It felt like home.


A couple of weeks later, Han and Felix were lounging on their beds, engrossed in their college work.

Han was flipping through his textbook, trying to make sense of a particularly challenging chapter, while Felix was scrolling through his phone "doing research", occasionally chuckling at something he saw.

Suddenly, the door burst open, and Seungmin stormed into the room, his expression was sad and he had clearly been crying.

"Guys, I- ," Seungmin started to say, his voice trembling with emotion.

Han and Felix exchanged concerned glances, immediately walking over to sit him down and Felix hugged him while scratching his head. "Hey it's okay what's going on?" Felix said.

"What's going on, Seungmin?" Jisung asked, sitting up straighter.

Seungmin took a deep breath, trying to compose himself. "I-t's" Suengmin took a deep breath "Hyunjin. I-I asked him out, but he rejected me." Felix immediately tightened the hug.

Han's eyebrows shot up in surprise, while Felix's expression softened with sympathy.

"I'm sorry, Seungmin," Felix said softly, moving his position to give him a comforting hand on Seungmin's shoulder.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 15 ⏰

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