Jealous for Cavell? (PIPVADA).

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Fuck you, Amobi..., I Cursed to myself and went towards them.

Vada's P. O. V:

-"Let go of ME!!!", I shouted a bit only to make in more trouble, great Cavell...what the fuck have you done!?

The girl forced me into her embrace and made me loose all my controls. Suddenly my a Strong arm pushed the girl away, making her groan in frustration and creating a Movie scene for sure...

To be honest I determined myself to believe it was anyone...but Pippa, as in that One Girl I only have hatred to gift!?

-"What do you think you're doing?"

-"What's your problem Gurl? All I wanted to do was to fuck Vada upp...don't you want that too, Sweetheartttt~?"

I immediately nodded her a No.

-"You little-"

Before the girl could continue, Pippa already had her on the ground with her arm, over her neck choking the hell out of her.

-"Mess with her, you're bloody messing with me, Mate..."

After a lot of shit happening, I kicked the girl out of the party and then slowly made my way towards Pippa, who fought her life for me.

She was sitting there with her friend, Cara.

-"...Would you mind if I have a Moment with Pippa...Alone?"

-"...S-Sure, no problem".

The girl left, leaving the Brunette and me alone in the atmosphere. All the people left and it was just the three of us, right now it's two.

-"What was that for?"


-"Pippa Fitz Amobi, I am speaking to you and you know what happens to those nut cases if they forbids to answer my questions..."

-"...I just saved you helpless ass in there, that's all".

I approached her more, and directed her chin upwards, causing our eyes to be locked for quiet a Moment.

-"Why?...You don't even wanna fucking see my ass the other day? And now you're saving me?"

-"Look...Something made me think that I should help you even though we both know that we hate each other with our guts...there, the truth".

I smirked like a Idiot at the Burnette and whispered slowly in her ears.

-"...let me guess, was that feeling Jealousy, Ms. Detective~?"


She widened her eyes in shock and her face was red, which was exactly what I wanted.

-"Good, then your silence with be a Yes for me, Fitz...See you tomorrow Darling~"

Pippa's P. O. V:

I left the place instantly, feeing extreme blush of red have the best of me. I bumped into Cara and then she looked down at me, -"What's up?"

-"...N-Nothing, let's go".


Before leaving, Vada gave me a Flying Kiss, winking at me, and making my soul go crazy.

I snapped out of the thoughts and kept on speed walking.

-"Can you tell me what really happened in there...?"


Silence were over us, until.

-"Ohhhh, I get it~"

Cara laughed out loud and then expressed a Smirk.

-"Jealous for...Cavell? I presume", I turned away and covered my face in embarrassment.

Cara laughed again and then tucked me in her arms, while I was only dazzled by the thoughts of what really bloody fucking happened...

That was certainly...Something, Indeed.

Author (Jay): If you have any suggestions, opinions and ideas, feel free to share them in the comments. Don't forget to leave a Vote, truly helps me a lot and I appreciate the gesture of kindness. I might not be able to write so many chapters in the future because of Lack of Time, either way... ENJOY!!! 😖

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