"Sorry about that." Harry replied.

"You lost a foot, consider yourself more than forgiven." Bellatrix said as she stroked his hair. "Are you sure you're alright?"

"Yeah," Harry nodded. "if I'm being honest then I will admit that I expected much worse damage than what's already happened. I am lucky that the quality of Libra has declined."

"What do you mean?" Delphi asked.

"I fought an Alpha, the old Alpha's would have chewed me up and spat me out like nothing."

"Well maybe the stories about them were exaggerated." Sirius offered.

"Of that I have no doubt but she was still weaker than an Alpha should be." Harry yawned. "Anyway, that's a problem for another day."

"Are you serious about this?!" Theodore Nott junior demanded.

"Yes I am Nott." Malfoy replied in a calm voice. "Potter killed my father and I want revenge. I've heard he's in hospital Nott."


"He's missing a foot and had just fought through a bunch of assassins."

"Exactly!" Nott hissed. "We, everyone in Britain, has either seen or heard how he not only escaped through chains by ripping his own skin but also managed to fight and kill a large amount of trained assassins! He even killed a few with a primitive weapon like a bow! What chance do you think you have!"

"He's damaged Nott! He's been weakened and that means he's easier to kill!"

"Perhaps but he always been damaged Malfoy! Look at his face! Plus I don't know if you've ever heard but a wounded animal if far more dangerous! Before Potter was holding back, but if he's been injured then he is less likely to do so! I don't fancy getting burnt worse than Potter!"

"All we have to do is go in and kill him!" Malfoy said in an exasperated voice. "It's not that hard."

"If it's not that hard then you do it on your own." Nott said. "I am not interested in going after the guy who not only killed ninety percent of the death eaters but was also capable of battling the dark lord himself! The fact that Potter could last a minute against him makes Potter far too dangerous for the likes of us!"

"So that's it?!" Malfoy demanded in a furious voice. "He killed your father!"

"My father was an abusive idiot! He was going to die one way or the other and I have no interest in joining him in death until I am at least eighty! So excuse me Malfoy but you can do this on your own!"

"You filthy stupid..." Malfoy reached for his wand but was stopped as Nott already had his out and pressed the tip against Malfoy's neck.

"I could've killed you by now," Nott said in a calm voice "and I wouldn't last more than thirty seconds against Harry Potter if he didn't hold back. Think about that." Nott said as he lowered his wand but kept it ready in case.

Malfoy scowled before storming off, he didn't care what Nott said. As far as he was concerned Potter was weakened and it was long past time for Potter to be removed.

"Albus!" Moody barked as he arrived outside Dumbledore's cell, he looked inside and bit back his first response.

He looked at Dumbledore who looked much more thinner than he usually did, he wasn't wearing his usual bright robes or hat either. Instead he was wearing stripy grey prison uniform that looked one size too big for him and showcased how skinny he was. Dumbledore's face was also different. Now he looked gaunt and tired, there was no twinkle in those exhausted blue eyes, his long hair and beard was flattened along with being much more dirtier than before.

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