Harry was sent flying off of her and quickly rolled to his feet, he saw the three Alpha's standing alongside Chloe. Earth was lowering her foot while Air was glaring at him and Water was helping Chloe up.

"Last chance." Chloe smirked. "Come and join willingly or else."

"Screw you!" Harry shouted before tossing a fire ball at the group.

Earth raised a hand and slapped the fireball away, Air flicked a finger in Harry's direction and sent a wind blade at Harry. Harry raised a wind shield, but Air's blade easily smashed through his shield and cut him on the side of his body, causing him to yelp out in pain. Water aimed his palm at Harry, before Harry could say or do anything he felt his body stiffen, Water moved his fingers and Harry felt himself pushed onto his knees as his hands were brought behind him like he was in handcuffs.

"Do you like that?" Chloe asked as she slowly walked up to Harry. "It's an ancient water technique, controls all the fluids in your body so he can control you." She said as she removed his mask and knelt down in front of him. Harry tried moving but he couldn't. "The three behind me have mastered techniques that others in Libra couldn't dream of." She whispered as her hands slid up his chest and stopped on his shoulders. "Come on Harry, do you want this?" She said as she leaned closer.

"Go fuck yourself!" Harry growled.

"Don't worry, you'll change your mind soon." She said confidently before pecking him on the lips. Two seconds after she removed her lips Harry felt a large surge of pain in the back of his head and slipped out of consciousness.

"Fleur?!" Bellatrix blurted out in shock when Fleur suddenly appeared in their living room.

"What are you doing here?!" Sirius said as he and Bellatrix got up to greet the French witch.

"I don't know," Fleur admitted. "I was relaxing and reading a book when Shadow suddenly appeared and pulled me into some shadows and I ended up here."

"Whoa!" Delphi said as she came into the room in the same fashion as Fleur. "What the hell's going on? Shadow just pulled me out of my room."

"I don't know." Bellatrix admitted just as Shadow came back and dropped an envelope on the table.

"It's a howler." Sirius aid when the envelope began rising and transformed so it had a mouth.

"Hi guys," Harry's voice came out of the howler. "this is an emergency howler that I've prepared. Shadow knows to give you this howler if something bad has happened while I'm at Libra. I want you to know that if you're hearing this then I'm probably still alive because if you weren't then you'd have been hearing the 'dead howler' that I had left. I'm just letting you now in case I do eventually end up dead, I don't want you all to do anything. I know you're all probably thinking you can help in some way but you can't.

Even Shadow can't help, Libra will stop him with their wards. I just want you all to know that I love you, I will never make a promise that I don't think I could keep. But I promise you all that I will do my best to survive just for you all. If I die, all I ask is that you all live your lives and enjoy them for my sake. Delphi, you're brilliant and I love you sis. No matter how much you annoy me, you're my first true friend besides Shadow and if I come back from whatever shit I'm in then I hope that one day I can walk you down the aisle.

Sirius, you're the best godfather ever. I know we've missed some years but I don't blame you for that. We've both made mistakes in life, neither of us are perfect. But I know that mum and dad are probably happy with you, at least I'm guessing so, I know I am. Thanks and I'm only going to say the following once, you are without doubt the best 'dogfather' ever.

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