*Time to go*

304 13 14

*Requests :  maddiecheers03 asked for a one-shot of lumax arguing. This is lowkey depressing so my apologies in advance. Hope this is what you wanted!


Max gulped, Lucas looking down at her. She turned away, "I can't." Lucas furrowed his brows, pulling her back toward him, "Max, please," She resisted, pulling her arm from his grip. "No! I never asked for this!" She ran an anxious hand through her hair, "I can't pretend anymore!" Lucas sighed, "I know. I know this is a lot." Max groaned, turning back to face him, "A lot? Just a lot?" He looked down, "I guess, more than that..." Max turned back on her feet, now pointing at him.

Her voice quivered with a mix of anger and hurt, her eyes locking onto Lucas's as if trying to pierce through his soul. "I'm tired of you disappearing for years and then waltzing back into our lives like it was nothing," she accused, her words sharp. Lucas's gaze faltered, guilt flickering across his face. "Better than me disappearing for good," he countered softly. Max's frustration surged, her jaw clenching as she fought to contain her frustration. "Is it?" she challenged, her voice cracking with pain.

Lucas took a step forward, his expression pleading for understanding. "Max, you know why I left. It was for my dreams, to chase my passion," he explained, his voice tinged with misunderstanding. "You're making it seem like I wanted to leave," he added, his words laced with desperation. Max's eyes softened slightly, but her guard remained up. "But you still left," she countered, her voice tinged with the lingering ache of that day. Lucas swallowed hard, the weight of his choices heavy upon him.

His voice was thick and full of remorse, "I know, and I'm sorry," He reached out to touch her arm,
"But I never stopped thinking about you, about us," he confessed, his gaze unwavering. "You're totally missing the point!" Max exclaimed, her frustration bubbling to the surface once more as she crossed her arms defensively. Lucas's shoulders sagged slightly, "But I'm back now," he added, his tone pleading for forgiveness. "Shouldn't you be happy?" he asked, his eyes searching hers for anything familiar.

Max's voice cracked with emotion as she turned away, her eyes pooling with tears that threatened to spill over. "I fought to forget about you!" she continued, her voice trembling. "You left me! Remember?" Lucas's heart ached as he watched her, his own guilt weighing heavily upon him. "And now you just come running back and expect me to drop everything for you," she accused, her voice choked with hurt. "It's not fair," she concluded, her shoulders trembling with the weight of her emotions.

Lucas's chest tightened with the realization of the depth of the pain he had caused. He stood there, silent and still, grappling with the enormity of his actions. Every word she uttered echoed in his mind, a reminder of the hurt he had brought upon the person he cared about most. In that moment, he longed to turn back time, to undo the mistakes he had made, but he knew that was impossible. "I... I'm sorry," Max gulped again, wiping away her tears, "Yeah, of course," "No, I really am." Lucas finally managed to choke out, his voice heavy as he took a step closer to Max.

Max sniffled, wiping away her tears with a trembling hand, her sad gaze meeting his. "Lucas," she began, her voice barely above a whisper, "I don't love you anymore." The words hung heavy in the air, a finality settling between them like a shroud. Lucas felt as if the ground had been ripped out from under him, his chest constricting with the crushing weight of her confession. He opened his mouth to speak, but no words came, his throat tight with the agony of her rejection.

In that moment, he realized that some wounds could never fully heal, no matter how desperately he wished they could. Lucas felt a surge of determination wash over him, fueled by the intensity of his love for the girl in front of him. He was desperate to make things right. "Max," he pleaded, speaking quickly, "I know I wasn't always the greatest boyfriend. I made some awful mistakes and I hurt you." His voice shook, "And for that, I'm sorry." His eyes continued to search her own, "But we can fix this. I promise. I can fix this," he implored.

Max shook her head, her choice the same. She sighed as she began, "Lucas," Her voice was firm yet filled with sadness, "I've moved on. I've built a new life for myself, one where I don't have to constantly wonder if you'll run off on me again. It's over." Max's words hung heavy in the air, the weight of her decision heavy. Lucas stood before her, his expression a mix of regret and realization.

He opened his mouth to speak, but no words came out. Instead, he simply nodded, acknowledging her decision. As Max turned to leave, Lucas reached out, his hand hovering in the space between them. But she knew that sometimes, loving someone meant letting them go, even if it tore her apart inside. With a final look, she gently squeezed his hand before releasing it.


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