“Do you think I want to come here?” Chen Li shot back . “This is because I cannot locate Prince Rui’s bedroom . ”

Xing Yun smiled . “It’s still your job to find him . ” He moved forward to step out of the small garden, but Chen Li grabbed his wrist . “ Don’t you see the strange thing here?!”

“What’s strange?” His ears couldn’t hear anything but the chirping of insects, and his eyes could only see the shadows of the trees against the moonlight . It looked no different from any other night . Chen Li waved her hands and caught something, something tiny . “ During the day, I didn’t even see it . Why would Prince Rui want to raise so many unformed demon sprits?”

Xing Yun raised his eyebrow, releasing his wrist while Chen Li wasn’t paying attention . He walked out of the pavilion, and in the silence, he spread out his arms . Walking 2 steps forward, he turned to Chen Li and confidently said, “There is no malice . I cannot see the so called demon spirit, but I can determine the atmosphere . Chen Li, you worry too much . ”

However, it wasn’t that Chen Li was worrying too much, but rather, because Xing Yun could not see what was happening . Here, the power of heaven and earth was overwhelming in balls of light, resembling clouds of fireflies within a beautiful, midsummer night . In the moonlit garden, it illuminated every corner . He did not know that, when he walked forward and spread open his arms, he was like a mortal so magnificent, to even be able to receive the admirations of the gods themselves as he embraced the dazzling light . It was so bright that Chen Li even had to squint her eyes, countless thoughts running in her head .

This man, who had awoken her from the nightmare . This man, who opened his umbrella to protect her from the drizzling rain . This man, who rested as pockets of sun fell on him through the grapevines . One who could make her feel so at ease, this kind of man... . .

“Come . ” 2 steps away, Xing Yun held out his hand . “If you are afraid, I’ll hold you . ”

He to her, he really sees her as a woman... . She cannot look, cannot look .

Chen Li grabbed his palm forcefully and pulled him, making him stagger 2 steps forward . Before he could recover, Chen Li roughly hit him and pulled his robe . Xing Yun had an almost dazed look . “Why did you?”

“Did you forget who was standing in front of you?”

Xing Yun froze for a long time before letting out a helpless smile . “ Yes, mighty Chen Li . I didn’t mean to look down on you... . . ”

“You listen well, I want to tell you something . ” Chen Li didn’t bother listening to Xing Yun, just staring at him sternly . “I’m about to fall for you . ”

The crickets chirp . Chen Li’s words were the only things spoken in the silence, sticking in Xing Yun’s ears . After a while, he simply grinned . “Ok, got it, let’s go!”

He... . Was he just having fun with her? Such a perfunctory answer, so perfunctory, he probably didn’t even have time to even consider the matter, ah! And that smile! Why would he be smiling, ai! Even more ridiculous, was that he was completely complacent and just disregarded her words!

The hand that’s roughly pinning Xing Yun’s robe shook with fury . But before she could explode with anger, her nose twitched, a faint smell floating in the air . Instantly, her body no longer held the feeling of anger, but rather, was taut and alert .

Magic particles . It’s very light, but definitely cannot be taken lightly . Chen Li released Xing Yun’s robes from her grasp and turned to look at the sky . The night sky was filled with little demon sprits, hindering her vision . She could only tell that the smell vaguely came from the south east . But when she tried to pinpoint it again, the magical particles was nowhere to be seen .

Chen Li’s eyebrows knitted slightly, the magic particles... She could tell that they were different from the demon realm’s, but she couldn’t recognize it .

As she was pondering, the atmosphere changed . The originally bright young demon spirits that were crowding around Xing Yun, had all frozen in the air, dead still . Chen Li got a bad feeling and hurriedly hauled Xing Yun behind her as her whole body spilled out waves of power . With a loud echo, all the surrounding spirits were pushed away only to see the group just float into the sky aimlessly . Slowly, the demon spirits began to tremble violently . One by one, they all gradually turned into a blood red color from the inside out .

“What happened?” Xing Yun asked, slightly surprising Chen Li . It seemed that he too has sensed the change .

Chen Li just shook her head . “ To put it simply, it isn’t a good thing . We need to leave this garden and find Prince Rui . ” If Prince Rui were to know of this, then Xing Yun really would have no place to stay .

Chen Li barely finished her sentence before a horrifying scream of a woman sounded throughout the night sky . The cry was mournful, filled with countless resentment and hate . The demon spirits in the air, too, seemed to be affected by the screaming . Their trembling bodies intensified, and some of them even started letting out small crying noises similar to a child’s . The sounds echoed within the dark night .

Xing Yun’s brows wrinkled slightly . “Let’s get out of here . ”

Even he has heard the noise? Then...... Chen Li waved a hand, magical power sweeping forward . It cut straight through the demon spirits, sweeping a way out of the garden . She dragged Xing Yun with her as she walked out of the garden, conveniently hearing Prince Rui’s men as they shouted one after another into the air .


“Help me!!”

When she stepped out of the fenced garden with Xing Yun in tow, Chen Li felt shocked by her surroundings . Prince Rui’s home was filled with young demon spirits, all the color of blood, everywhere . They were all crying and acting similar to a new born baby, blood red tears streaming down their faces . Some crawled on the floor, others on the walls, and many of them were even clutching to people as they all kept sobbing . However, their bloody tears were equivalent to dangerous acids, causing burns to mar the skin . The servants were all in a panic, running chaotically through the residence . Torches lit up the night, but whenever the tears made contact with the torch, fiery light exploded, so dazzling that even Chen Li had to close her eyes . It was similar to the nightmarish illusion from earlier, scaring Chen Li through the depths of her heart .

Xing Yun knitted his brows, Chen Li muterred . “A demon spirit has bitten back against it’s owner . He couldn’t raise the demon spirit, I need to quickly find Prince Rui . ”

A Demon Spirit is very difficult to obtain . Even out of tens of millions of young demon spirits, only one talented spirit can achieve a conscious human body and become a complete demon spirit . Others, even if you were to hand raise it day and night, year by year, the most it would be able to achieve is a soulless vessel, unable to cultivate or learn . Within Rui Wang’s palace, there is only one that is able to cultivate into a human body, the young lotus miss . However, on the day of the encounter, her heart did not hold any resentment . But now, it’s so high that she even tried to kill the prince! How could this.........

Chen Li suddenly recalled how the magical particles suddenly disappeared, and her expression turned grave .

“Chen Li . ” Xing Yun suddenly called out to her and pointed southeast to a small road . “Prince Rui’s residence is right over there . ”

Chen Li looked up at the southeast corner . However, instead of seeing a house, the only thing that was visible was a crowd of glowing red spirits .

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